Friday, April 3, 2015

Good Friday edition of Friday Favorites & and a birthday post

I'm linking up with Momfessionals for this post.

Good Friday.  It's always a somber day for me, as I read the story leading up to Jesus being arrested, charged, crucified and buried.  This morning I read out of the book of John.

I pray that you took some time to read the word of God, to pray and reflect on the significance of this day.

I have a lot of favorites from this week, even though I've been strangely absent on the blog.  :)  I just wasn't feeling it this week.  It's rare, I know.

It's been a great week!  One of my favorite moments from the week was my bible study homework.  We are wrapping up our study of 2 Timothy, and as I finished one of the last lessons, I found myself so sad to say goodbye to Paul.  At the end of 2 Timothy, Paul is at the end of his life.  He knew he was about to die.  I get so attached to the people I study in bible studies.  The tone of his letter took on such a different tone in this book.  Here's a picture of what some of my notes looked like.

I love to use my colored pens in my bible study homework.  :)

We'll finish 2 Timothy next week and start on Titus.  I cannot wait!  We're doing a summer study, too, and I am so glad.  I hate saying goodbye to these sweet ladies God has given me for two whole months each summer.  The title of the one we'll do over the summer is Living In The Spirit.  It's another (shorter) precept study by Kay Arthur.

Another favorite moment from this week was on Wednesday night at church.  John  had the youth gather around him on the stage as he taught.

It was really sweet.

Also, at church that night, Drew was twinning with the youth pastor's wife.  I had to take a picture.

Mint green has made a comeback.

Thursday night, I met with some really sweet friends that I will remain friends with for the rest of my life.

We have been having girls night out together for years and years and years.  Tammy is on the right and Rene is in the middle.  We haven't been out in forever, though, so it was so good to see them!  I see Rene more often, just because she lives in Collierville.  I love them so much!  Several years ago, Tammy was given tickets to go see Celtic Women at the Orpheum, and it was very last minute, but that was one of my favorite moments I've ever spent with them.

Today is a favorite from this week, because it is Drew's birthday!  This crazy kid of mine.  I adore him.

He loves kids and hugs and he loves to serve others.  He was really excited about today because we were doing a ministry project in the Binghampton area of Memphis.

We were going to have an easter egg hunt with some kids in this area, but we had to cancel because of the weather.  So instead, we met for lunch at Panda Express, then we went to church to stuff goodie bags for the kids.  We're taking them to the kids in the morning, as we go door to door.

While we were at the church, Drew got a couple of birthday presents.

A sparkly turtle tattoo and a princess balloon!  So funny.  I love his friends~they all are so sweet to him.

I got to hang out with this sweet lady!

Sweet Abbey.  I adore her.

Our day ended with Drew's favorite dinner and some friends.

We started off watching High School Musical but ended the night with Sharknado.  And before we started the movie, I painted all of the girls' fingernails.  :)  It was a great week and an even better night.

Love to all!

P.s.  The writing of this post took me thirteen hours.

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