Friday, January 22, 2016

Friday Favorites!

It's F.R.I.D.A.Y. and it's a snow day!  Now listen, all you who make fun of us who lose our minds in snow~this is a big deal for us.  We rarely get snow, so of course our world stops when we get a dusting!  However, this is more than a dusting, it's actually up to three inches in some places.  It's so pretty!  I'm watching it fall as I write this blog post.

I am linking up with Andrea at Momfessionals for this post.

First up on my list of favorite things is the new nail polish I acquired last Saturday.  I usually wear all my dark colors in the fall and winter (except for Christmas, when I wear sparkly red), but when I saw this blue, I fell in love.  (My favorite blue had to be thrown away, from the Shrek line a long time ago.)  This one is called My Pal Joey, and the glittery one is Make Light Of The Situation.

The blue is from OPI's new Hello Kitty line.

Also making my list of favorites for the week are all the yummy dinners we have had.  On Saturday night, I made some delicious homemade chicken noodle soup for us to enjoy after church on Sunday afternoon.  On the list of dinners this week has been one of our family favorites, Beer Cheddar Joe's, potato soup and cornbread, and last night we had spaghetti and Fettuccini Alfredo with Ceasar salad and garlic bread.

My whole family almost fainted over the cornbread.  It was really good.  It still is!  I made extra to last all week.

So I know I'm late to jump onto this series of books, but better late than never, right?  I think I was in high school or a newlywed when this series of books first came out, and I picked up the first few at the library a couple weeks ago.  Actually, I bought them from a resale sight on Facebook and a friend picked them up for me, but I never got them from her.  I'm really hoping she still has them!

I'm about three fourths of the way finished with At Home In Mitford, by Jan Karon.  This is one of the sweetest books I have ever read.  I love the setting and all the characters and I can't wait to keep reading the rest of the series.  (About those nonfiction books, though....)  This is definitely going to end up being one of my favorite series of books I've ever read.

On Wednesday nights, I help out with our church's Children's Worship Choir (CWC).  And by "help out", I mean that I sign kids in and I watch to see who tries really hard and hand out candy and awards at the end of practice.  Each week we have been ending on a song called Dance Like David, and one of my most favorite things in all of the world is to see some really sweet little children dancing around, singing at the tops of their lungs, acting all crazy as a way of worshiping God.

Such a sweet sight to behold!  I love these kids and I love helping out a couple of my friends by being in there each week.  The kiddos are working towards a spring musical.

Yesterday was my favorite school day of the week, and I couldn't resist a picture of the historical chapel in the building of where we meet each week.

It's a really old building and the insulation leaves a lot to be desired, but man, I love coming here each week.  I love the ladies God has given me in my small group and in the large group as a whole.  (And about that insulation, we have been known to bring blankets to cover our laps with, it is sometimes so cold in Warren Hall, where we meet each week.)

In a moment of encouraging someone last night, I shared one of my favorite verses with someone who needed to hear it.

I love this translation, but other translations read, "Let no unwholesome talk come out of your mouth...".  Unwholesome talk can be words that do not build up.  I promise, I tell this verse to someone or I quote it for myself at least once every single day.

And because they're cute, I have to share this picture of my dogs that I just took.

Callie is in the front, Crash is in the back.  They were waiting so patiently on me to give them a treat for posing this way.  Aren't they sweet?  (Not always, but mostly.)

Well, that's about it for this post.  I must go empty out my dryer to get ready for the snow laden clothes that will be making their way back inside shortly.  Love to all!

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