Tuesday, March 1, 2016

some things

Happy March!  Before the rain started, when I woke up this morning, I could hear birds chirping...and that makes me think that spring is nearby!  I love this time of year.  It's also birthday season in our family!  Birthdays start next Thursday and continue until April third in my house.

Because it's late in the morning and I need to get moving on laundry and copying school work for my boys, I am making this short and sweet.  Here is the Scripture writing plan for this month that some of you have asked about.

I had to catch up a few times in February, and I'm sure I'll have to catch up some for this month, too, but by the end of the month, I was back on track.  I love doing this!  It only takes five to ten minutes each day, and in the writing process, you are hiding God's word in your heart.

Care to join me?

Oh, and also...

It's Super Tuesday.  Don't just vote!  Pray first, ask God to show you who to vote for, and ask Him for wisdom.  THEN, go vote.  I use the bible as my measuring tool for voting...if you are a believer, I challenge you to do the same.

Love to all.

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