Sunday, April 3, 2016

All About Drewby

Today is Drew's sixteenth birthday!  I cannot believe in just a few days, I will be releasing him out on his first venture as a licensed driver.  (You may want to steer clear.)  He gets his license on Friday.  

I thought I'd share a few things about him since today is his special day.  

He has ALWAYS made us laugh.  Ever since he was a baby.  And he was always such a little ham.  

He was so proud of himself when I took this picture.  This was the day I thought I'd lost the babies, because he hid them so well in that cabinet you see him sitting in.  I don't know what he did to them to make them be quiet, but it worked.  I seriously thought they had gotten out of my house somehow.

He has always been a little daredevil and will do anything that someone dares him.  This still makes me nervous.  

He loves to embarrass me.  

He loves to make people laugh, and he loves to laugh and have fun. 

He is smart and good with kids and he lives a life that is above reproach.  People love being around him.

He is extremely self-motivated and I never have to tell him to do things.  Usually he just does the things that he knows need to get done.  He is a really hard worker.  He will do anything for food, and decides what his plans are some nights, according to what I am making for dinner.  He has the kindest heart of anyone his age that I have ever met.  

When he was in second grade, his teacher gave him the character award of joy.  To this day, that still fits him perfectly.  I've never met anyone as full of joy as my Drew.  

He can go to sleep at the drop of a hat (anywhere and anytime~he has been known to sleep during a NASCAR race.)  

I am so proud of this boy of mine.  He towers over me nowadays and takes great care of me when I'm sick.  I know that someday he will make an amazing husband and father.  

I love you, Drew!  Happy birthday, sweet boy.  

Love to all.  

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