Monday, November 7, 2016

catching up from the weekend

This was a GREAT weekend, though a bit of a whirlwind.  On Thursday afternoon, I got a text from my best friend in all of the world saying that she was coming in town for twenty four hours, and she asked if I had some spare time to see her.  OF COURSE, I said that yes I did and we made plans to meet Friday morning at a nearby park.

It was a glorious day outside, and the air was crisp, and we sat and caught up for two solid hours while her sweet little Annalise ran around playing.  It was so much fun and I am so thankful I got to see her for a bit.

After that, I went to lunch with my dad.  The boys all helped Todd work that day at his shop, so it was the two of us.  Lunch ended, I came home to cook sausage for a casserole I had to make the next day, I packed my things and left for The Grove at Red Oak Lake in Cordova.  We had a one night girl's retreat this weekend, and it was a blast.

Pictured above are our senior girls that we lead in community group, the junior girls I help lead in Bible fellowship class on Sunday mornings, and lastly is the purple group I led at the retreat.

These girls are precious, and it's such a privilege to help lead and teach them.

The retreat ended at twelve thirty and I came home and promptly fell asleep for about an hour on the couch.  Graham and Drew were gone all day to an Ole Miss football game, and Jonah and Noah were with Alex at his birthday party.  His actual birthday is Friday and he's spending the weekend here.  At around four o'clock that afternoon, Jonah and I went to Mom's for dinner.

I love being out there.  The sunset was glorious and the weather was cool and fabulous.

On Sunday, Jonah woke up feeling bad from sinuses, so he and I stayed home from church.  While he slept, I watched the entire service on live streaming and I am so thankful that I was able to feel like I was there.

At the end of the service, Brother Chuck gave us these things to pray for.  I love our Pastor!

I had choir practice starting at three, then at five, I drove a bus load of teenagers out to the country for a bonfire and hayride.

I only took five or six pictures, but none of them came out.  This is one my friend Lauri took of Rachel and me.  I love this girl!  And all teenagers.  It was a fun night.

I was up with the sunrise this morning and will be going to church in a bit to decorate the table Mom and I are doing for a women's event tonight called Tablescapes.  I am really excited.

Have a great day!  Love to all.

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