Thursday, July 13, 2017

life lately

First things first:

I redesigned my blog and I'm not sure whether or not I like it.  It's been a few years since I've changed it, and I was inspired by another blogger.  I like the little picture windows, and that it allows me to see more of what I've posted lately, instead of just mostly words.  To navigate it, click on a picture, or hit the read more button.  I don't like that I have to go down to the very bottom to write a new post.  Maybe that can be moved, though.

Feedback?  Yay?  Nay?

I was just in the mood for some change.  I miss this picture at the top, I am making it my first picture, so I can see their smiling (and one unsmiling) faces.

These are the BEST ice cream bars ever ever.  They're the Skinny Cow brand, and it's salted caramel ice cream dipped in chocolate.

It is currently hotter than Hades here right now (unless you live in Texas) and this was how I spent part of my afternoon yesterday.

Also, notice my blanket.  It may be hotter than the surface of the sun, but you can bet your sweet little self that inside my house it is cold enough for me to need a blanket.  Praise the Lord for wonderful air conditioner.

I am very excited about the book that should be arriving at my doorstep sometime today!  Melanie Shankle is the author of the Big Mama blog, and I've been reading her laugh out loud content for years now.  I love every book she's written, but one of my very favorites of all is the book, Nobody's Cuter Than You.  Imagine my excitement when I found out she had a new book coming out in October, then multiply that by 100 when I was told I had been selected to be on her launch team.  Once this book arrives, I'll be out of commission, most likely, until I'm finished reading.

You can pre-order the book on Amazon, or any other book seller.  It releases October 3.

I came across a great article this morning, and thought I'd share it with you.

It's exactly how I feel about using the Lord's name in vain.  It is well worth the read!

And lastly, we are going to my in-love's house today!  I haven't seen them in a couple of weeks, and we are swimming and visiting with them all day.  We'll eat dinner with them as well, which I'm also excited about.

Aside from all this, I've been spending time with Mom lately.  We were together Tuesday and Wednesday, for several hours each day, and I so enjoyed that time!  She's been home a lot because of a hurt knee, but thankfully, she is so much better now and can get out once again.

I've also done a lot of laundry, I've cleaned house, and I've read a book I'm trying to finish.  It's been pretty slow and mundane, but I like it that way.

Thanks for reading!  Love to all.

Don't forget to let me know about whether or not you like this new design...I'm contemplating changing it back.  Also, what are some things you'd like to read more of?  I need some ideas.  Blogging for almost a decade can get pretty redundant.  Thanks in advance!


  1. I like the new design. And you just can't go wrong with salted
    Caramel anything; pretzels, brownies, milkshakes, candy bars,
    Etc. I read the blog link and I agree. I am also uncomfortable watching movies
    that use the Lords name in vain. But if I look them up on a movie review
    sight beforehand I can avoid choosing entertainment that uses the Lords name in vain.

  2. Thank you! Yes! Amen.

    Me too! I love Plugged In for that very reason.


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Friday Favorites, 2.7.2025.

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