I didn't do my typical Friday Favorites post last week because we had to be out the door so early that morning. We didn't do lunch with my dad, either, because we helped my friend move her mom into an apartment.
We were there until about noon or shortly after, then we stopped at one of our favorite places for lunch, The Cookout. It's this fast food place that has really cheap prices for a huge amount of food, and to top it all off, they are a Christian company, the food is DELICIOUS, and they play music about Jesus. Even Chick Fil A doesn't do that anymore, I think because of the complaints. They have bible verses on all their cups too, I think it's Proverbs 1:7, which is the one about the fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge.
How cool is that?
After lunch, I dropped the boys off at home, then I had to go return my friend's husband's truck and pick up my car. Drew and Jonah helped another friend move some stuff to her house. I took a nap when I got home.
That night I had dinner with one of my best friends for her birthday (which we celebrated late), and had a great time catching up and then praying together in my car before we left. I posted this verse on Instagram about our time together, because we had a powerful time of prayer.
I am so thankful for praying friends!
On Saturday, I spent the day either reading, doing laundry, or watching Netflix. It was GLORIOUS. My husband and oldest son worked that night, and my night of doing nothing continued. I had leftover lasagna for dinner.
Sunday was church! I also attended went night for a special "family meeting" we had, then I was back home for dinner and more Netflix. Todd worked again that night.
Monday has become my grocery shopping day, and I've been trying to be better about planning out actual meals (because it seems like I neglect to cook dinner in June and part of July), so I did that, then I went to church that night to help out with a choir thing. (This picture below was me planning out the week and combining my phone calendar with this paper one that I leave out on the desk in the living room.)
Yesterday was spent around the house as well, but with a birthday lunch thrown in the mix, while my house was a disaster.
Seriously. Dirty dishes were everywhere, the dishwasher held clean dishes (I had to get forks out of there), the floor was not vacuumed well (I did vacuum the most common spots that always attracts dog hair), and it was not at all planned. (I had planned to go to them instead, but everything changed.) In the middle of all that mess, though, the Lord reminded me of some things. That is to be hospital always, and not just when it's convenient or when my house is clean. He also reminded me to be available. I have such introverted tendencies that it's easy to use that as an excuse, and I do that all the time. I love being alone and at home in my comfiest of clothes. But I'm not supposed to be that way. I have opportunities all the time to live life along side people, and yesterday was a reminder to do that more, and to be on the lookout for more opportunities.
After this, I did finally clean the kitchen.
I met a former student that I had in a bible fellowship class at church for coffee at Starbucks, and we caught up for almost two hours. She leaves for college again soon (she'll be a junior this year), and it had been way too long since we had met. We plan on meeting one more time before she leaves in the middle of August.
So, we ran out of data in our house and the hubby turned off our internet so that we wouldn't be charged extra money yesterday. Because of that, I started this book, and continued to read it until ten o'clock last night. It is the BEST book! It's also on sale for about $5 at Lifeway right now, so you should buy a copy for yourself. I can't share this one, because of all that I've written inside. At the end of each chapter, she asks questions to expand on what that chapter was about, and it is surprising how much was flowing from my pen. Apparently this book is striking a chord within me, and it was a much needed book for me to read right now in my life. (I've had it since May! God knew I needed it now, though.)
Also? I love Lisa Harper. I'm so drawn to her teaching right now, and her writing is even more beautiful. She is very real and raw, and there are no pretenses with her. I love that so much.
One of the questions I read was what I thought of the statement that God is happy with me. I immediately thought of this verse in Zephaniah. It's one of my favorites, and so I went there again last night and read it for at least the millionth time, but isn't it amazing to think of God delighting in us with singing?
Maybe because I love worship music so much, but that thought is just beautiful to me. You know He doesn't see us as we actually are, but He sees us as His treasured possession, already made new in Him.
I will say it again. You should consider buying this book. It's one of the best I've ever read. I'm TWO short chapters away from finishing it, but I'm kinda dreading it being over.
Well, I need to fold some clothes and get dressed. Noah and I have dental appointments today. (Drew and Jonah are working for a friend again and will have their appointments soon.) Thanks for reading!
Love to all.
Wednesday, August 1, 2018
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Friday Favorites, 2.7.2025.
Happy Friday, friends! How was your week? I hope that you can say that it was a good one. Mine was pretty great and it went by really fast...

Happy Saturday, friends! Is there anything cozier than a snow day (or several)?? I figured today is as good a time as any to bring back th...
Happy Thursday, friends! I'm so glad you're here today to link up with Joanne, Marilyn, Tanya, and me. I also hope that all of you...
Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for today's blog post. How has your week been? Mine has been good,...
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