Friday, April 19, 2019

Friday Favorites: Good Friday edition

Happy Friday, my friends. I'm linking up with Andrea from Momfessionals, and her friends, for this blog post. 

This day is the start of my favorite weekend of the entire year.  My kids always used to ask me why this day in history is now called Good Friday.  (It was terrible in that Jesus, the only perfect Man to have ever walked on this earth, and sent from God, died a horrible death on behalf of all the sin in the world.)  But I would tell them it is now called "good" because on that day, it wasn't over. 

After His death and burial, He was resurrected from the dead three days later, and walked among His disciples for a short time again, then ascended into heaven, where He sat down at the right hand of the throne of His Father, God.  And now, because of His death, burial, and resurrection, those of us who are followers and believers of the Lord Jesus will never be separated from God again.  We will have life with Him for all of eternity, after our last breath is breathed upon this earth. 

Because of all this written above, we know that life doesn't end for us here on earth.  In fact, it's just the beginning, life on this earth.  This is why we are able to grieve the loss of loved ones we know were believers and followers of Jesus with hope: we know they will be in heaven with us someday.  It's why I always write about this, because I want everyone I know and love to be there with me.  If you have not placed your faith in Jesus, if you haven't admitted your sin to Him and confessed to Him your need of a Savior, what are you waiting on?  No one is ever promised even another minute on this earth, and what if you died today?  Do you know where you would end up? 

It's so easy.  Please, don't wait another minute.  Let today be the day of your salvation. 

On a lighter note, if you are local to me, and in need of a service to attend over the weekend, I would love to invite you to join me and my family.  We attend Collierville First Baptist Church, and we will have TWO services on Sunday.  The early service starts at eight thirty, and the second service starts at ten.  These two services are the most attended services of the whole year, competing only with Mother's day and the Christmas eve candlelight service. 

If you decide to come, let me know so I can find you afterward!  I would say I'd find you and sit with you, but that's difficult because of choir.

Now for the rest of this blog post...and about Friday Favorites...

I'm still reading along in the new testament with my church family, and this week has been so good.  We're in John, but I think the tenth chapter in John is one of my favorite chapters in all the bible.  I love the picture of Jesus as our Good Shepherd.  He knows His own, and His own know Him, and His voice. 

Once we belong to Him, no one can ever snatch us out His hand.  Isn't that beautiful?  Sin separated us from God, but when Jesus came and died for our sin, He bridged the gap between sinfulness (all of mankind) and God.  Once we belong to Him, we are His forever.  Nothing can ever separate us from the love of God, Paul says in Romans 8:35-39.

Like I said, John is one of my favorite books in the bible.  If you haven't read it recently, you should give it a try. 

My mornings with Jesus are always my favorite part of my day.  This is my bible and morning cup of coffee number two.  

Speaking of Jesus and new life, this is what spring reminds me of.  I love all the new life I see in nature, after a winter full of drab and dreariness.  It's so good to see all that lush green after a rain, too, and while rain isn't my favorite, it is definitely necessary to give us all these beautiful plants, bushes, and trees in nature.

This song is currently my favorite, and I posted about some other songs I always have playing as well, on yesterday's blog post.  Scroll down a little and you can see for yourself.  I posted videos of the songs from YouTube.

Well, it's Friday, and my dad will be here in a couple of hours, so I need to get up and do a few things around here before eleven thirty.  Thank you for reading!  Have a blessed weekend.  Love to all.  

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