Wednesday, August 5, 2020

for anyone who is a new homeschooler

Are you a brand new homeschooling family? If so, this post is for you. 

I know you're feeling overwhelmed right now; I well remember that feeling myself, when I looked at the kids and the task before me and wondered what on earth I had done. I get it, sister, and my heart is with you and I am praying for you. It's one thing to come to realization that you want to homeschool your kids; it's a whole other ballpark if it is something you're forced to do all of a sudden.

May I encourage you?

First, take a deep breath. The Lord is not surprised by any of this. He knows that you're being forced to do this right now, at this very moment, and He is with you. He goes before you, beside you, behind you and He is within you, if you know Him. Do you know Jesus? 

Second, I came across this page in my Bible on Monday and it almost took my breath away.

This is Haggai 2:9. I'm not usually one to handpick a verse here and there and take it out of context, but this thought recently occurred to me: all of the Bible is God's divine love letter to us. It's all there to encourage us and to uplift us. It's also all about Him and I don't want to negate that, but sometimes it's okay to take a verse as literally as what it says on the page and when I saw this on Monday, it was like God Himself breathed it out to me. I was anxious about something and of course He would have me see this. 

It was a kiss from the King.

God will provide peace for your home. He will equip you with what you need to get the job done. It may not be done perfectly, but you just give it your all and He will help you. I am sure you've heard this saying that God never gives you beyond what you can handle. That is WRONG. He ALWAYS gives us what we cannot handle! However, if we look to Him and depend upon Him to help us through each step, His power is made perfect in our weakness. That sounds familiar, doesn't it? Read 2 Corinthians 12:9 below in the New Living Translation.

Each time he said, "My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness." So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me.

I cannot say this enough: the Lord will help you to get through all of this. You do not have to be the perfect wife, mom, homeschooling parent. Just do your best and lean in close to the Lord. He will help you, He will help you, He will help you. 

Thirdly, pray. I know it sounds simple, but that is because it is simple. Pray each and every day. Commit each day to the Lord; He will hear every word that you say. Ask for wisdom and guidance for your kids as they do this new thing; ask Him to help them remain faithful and committed to their job for this first semester and trust that He will hear and answer. Check in with them often, be close by as much you are able to be. It's okay if they forget or don't understand; communicate clearly with the people you need to communicate with and I know they'll do everything they can to help you. I'm thinking of my friends with middle and high schoolers that will be having remote learning three days a week this first semester. If you don't have that support system and need help or advice or just a listening ear, reach out out to me. I may not know the answer, but I can listen and I can pray.

When you're frustrated, and you will be I promise, walk away. Get alone with Jesus and just cry out to Him. When you're mad, do the same. Ask Him to put a guard over your mouth so that you don't say unwholesome things to them. (Ephesians 4:29.) If you're grumpy in the morning, and you will be at some point, ask the Lord to restore to you the joy of your salvation. Give your kids breaks and give yourself a break. Take a bath, read a lighthearted book, watch a show on Netflix. Recharge your batteries often, but before you do any of those things I just listed, make sure you've spent time with Jesus that day. Pray and read His Word daily! It's okay to skip a day here and there, but I find I often become grumpy when I skip my quiet time. I depend on this time with Jesus every morning of my life and I've lately taken to never leaving home without my Bible.

I know it sounds too simple; I promise you that He hears your prayers and He will answer when you pray His Word. I love reading the Word and turning it into my prayer. His Word is His will and He will always answer accordingly. He is faithful, He is the Provider of peace both in the home and in the heart, and He is good. He takes good care of His beloved and if you're a believer and follower of Jesus, that is what you are to Him. 

I pray you're encouraged by these words. Love to all. 

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