Friday, October 2, 2020

Friday Favorites


Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Andrea from Momfessionals for today's blog post. 

What a glorious week. The weather here has been incredible and I am here for all of the fall cozies. Get ready, my list of favorites will be long. 

First up on the list is the newest Scripture writing plan.

Writing out Scripture is one of my favorite things to do. I am so grateful for Shannon over at for starting these years and years ago. I came across the first one ever one day on Pinterest and I have pages and pages of where I've written out passages throughout Scripture. If you want to really know the Word of God, consider doing this. It really get it into the deep crevices of your mind and any certain time, the Lord will remind you of a passage just when you need it most.

Reading is my favorite hobby. I started this book on Tuesday night—believe it or not, I've never read these. Now, there are a lot of you naysayers out there who think I may believe in this stuff; I do not, I assure you. But give me a good fictional book, especially one with twists and turns and spooks, and I will take it any day of the week. I posted this on Facebook the other night and it caused a little bit of controversy, as people feel very strongly about this book on both sides.

My fall front porch is my favorite. So are mums and this one is big and beautiful. Cross your fingers with me that I don't kill this one. I love the new welcome mats, the cute fall sign, the mum, the house, all of it I tell you. 

Fall is also my favorite. And pumpkins. I love this beautiful mishapen one that I found at the grocery store. I love imperfect things, perhaps because it reminds me so much of me. No matter how messy I am, the Lord Jesus sees me as beautiful and righteous. I said that to a friend yesterday as we had a picnic at the park. I love days like that and I love godly friendships. She and I sat and talked some things over and cleared some things up and it reminded me of God's redemption plan for the human race. Y'all, our world is a sick, sick place right now and we all need the hope that only Jesus can bring. Do you know Him? Do you want to and don't know how? I would love to talk to you about this, feel free to reach out to me. Don't wait! The Bible tells us that none of us are promised tomorrow.

All of that from a beautifully imperfect pumpkin. Who knew? 

I had a moment in my car in the Kroger parking lot yesterday as I thought over the sweet young man who bagged my groceries for me. He was so sweet, so beautiful, so pure and absolutely precious in the sight of the Lord. I wish I'd taken him up on letting him take my groceries to my car, but I didn't because that always makes me feel weird, especially in these troubled days. I loaded them all in the trunk, then just sat in my car and prayed over that sweet young man. I told the Lord how sorry I was for sometimes complaining about Kroger, then thanked Him for them instead, because they employ beautiful people like that young man who probably wouldn't have been able to get a job anywhere else.

I drove home and the whole time, tears were threatening to fall as I prayed for him and for all the people like him that I could name off the top of my head, including their families.

On a lighter note, this is our new favorite past time. Three nights this week already have been enjoyed out on the deck. It's magical and I've missed going out there since it was so hot all summer. 

This is a new to me and favorite quote I found recently on Pinterest. I sit on there too long sometimes and browse all the pins. 

Even though this post from yesterday didn't get comments, it got a lot of interest yesterday. Posts like that are my favorite, too. I love seeing the inside of people's homes and Todd and I used to drive around for hours dreaming of our own way back in the days of our dating years and even in the first few years of our marriage.

Speaking of, Sunday October 4th will forever be my very favorite day. It was the day my husband I said I do, one crisp fall day, twenty four years ago (as of Sunday). It's been a ride and we've had the best of times and the worst of times, but I wouldn't change one single thing because the Lord helped us through it all and made us who we are today as a result of all we've walked through.

This is my newest favorite shirt. It's not a shirt, but a poncho and it's the cutest most comfy and cozy thing I've ever owned. I had to make myself not put it back on today. (I wore it yesterday.)

Well, that's all I've got, my friends. I'm surprising Dad today with a delicious lunch for us and then, weather permitting, we may go sit at the park. It's beautiful here right now and we love the outdoors, when it's bearable. Thanks for reading my blog! I'd love to hear from you—what are your plans this weekend? I'm getting mine started with dinner out with one of my best friends, Andrea. (It's Thursday afternoon as I write this and I'm about to leave.) Our time together is always my favorite. 

Love to all! 


  1. My boys and I just love the Harry Potter series; we are reading book #5 together right now.

  2. Joanne~

    How fun! I bet they love going through it together like that. I look forward to finishing this one over the weekend! I don't know if I'll immediately go to the second book or if I'll read another one of the ones I have waiting on me to read. Oh, the choices! Have a great weekend!


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