Wednesday, February 3, 2021



Happy Thursday, friends! I'm joining the link-up a day late, but better late than never, right? I'm linking up with Anne from in residence for this post.

Here are things related to what I'm currently loving, reading, remembering, sharing and wishlisting. 

I am currently loving being back in Bible study with ladies at my church. We're studying the book of Philippians, the one I helped write, and it is so very good. I'm a small group leader for both the morning and evening times on Wednesdays and though it sounds like a lot, I love the time it forces me to spend really digging in deep to what we're reading that week. 

As an introvert and non-teacher, small groups make me a tiny bit nervous, but the Lord is always so sweet to provide lots of moments for discussion over the homework each week. I love meeting new women and I love hearing what they learned through the week. I think it's so interesting to hear from theme they may have picked out for the week we're studying and for this question, there is no right or wrong answer—a room full of people may pick out different themes throughout the portion of Scripture we're studying. We study inductive style, which just means verse by verse.

I am currently reading my newest library book that I just picked up Tuesday. I came home and started it at lunch time and by nine thirty that same night, I was about three fourths of the way through it.

I have loved Ree Drummond since her early blogging days began back in 2006 and when my boys were young, our favorite show to watch was The Pioneer Woman. She inspires me like no other and we have lots in common.

I'm currently remembering all the fun times we had together when my sons were little.

I really try not to do this too often, because if I don't stop myself, I'll end in a puddle of tears. I just have a lot of change coming up in the next few months and on Tuesday it all hit me and I cried in my bathroom as I was attempting to put on makeup to leave my house. I'm fine most days, but then all of a sudden it just hits me like a ton of bricks. I really do love where they are right now, it's just that my days are so different now. It just takes some getting used to and I need to find ways to fill my time, which is why I'm considering a part time job outside of my house after Jonah and Noah graduate.

I'm currently sharing all the same things on social media that I usually do. I'm also sharing stories and being a listening ear to a few people right now who are younger than me and who just need someone to talk to and pray for them. 

I'm wishlisting books on Amazon! I keep finding books I want to read and I add them to my list there and go back and look there when I'm at the library. 

Well, I always love sharing things like this, so thanks for reading! Love to all. 


  1. Oh, now I'm remembering when my kids were younger and I might just join you in that puddle of tears...

  2. I love finding books that make me want to read them that fast!

    Thanks for joining in :)

  3. Had not seen that book...but, truthfully, there is just no stopping that Pioneer Woman!!:) I have to be super careful with trips down memory lane too - especially when there are pictures!!

  4. I too am loving the ages and stages of my boys right now! Teenage boys are really quite fun.

  5. Ok, now I need to add that book to my list! It looks like a great read! I remember her early blog days too!

    And ugh, I was just looking at photos of my son when he was younger and I got all teary and emotional. It is so hard!

  6. Natasha- Sorry! I have to be so careful walking down Memory Lane like that...I didn't mean to drag you along with me! Ha!

  7. Anne- Me too! Thank you for hostsing us!

  8. Jennifer- I'm so glad to see you're back to the blogging world! I have to be careful too, I was asking the Lord to help me wrap up those feelings...and He did help me through them and I was able to stop. You need to read this book! You'd love it.

  9. Joanne- They really are fun right now. I am happy to say that I've loved every age they've been in and each new phase is my newest favorite.

  10. Crackercrumblife- YES! You should read it, I'm sure you'll love it as much as me. Sorry to drag you along with me in my pity party...sometimes I just can't help myself and Timehop nearly does me in. Thanks for stopping by!

  11. Glad to hear you are enjoying your current read! such a good feeling when a book flies by. I'm wishlisting tons of books too!!!


    1. Thank you, Lauren and there is not much more than a book you cannot put down. Maybe another post should be "books I'm wishlisting on Amazon". That would be a fun link-up!

  12. You are the second blog to have mentioned Ree's book; I may have to check that out. There is just no way to getting around missing the days when your kiddos were still little other than to focus on the adults they are becoming or are now. Now, don't I sound wise, when actually I have had that exact same type of cryfest too. All shall be well, and all shall be well and all manner of things shall be well.

    1. You should read it, Suzanne! If you love her show, you'll love the book. Thanks for the encouragement! You're exactly right, it'll all work out and be just fine. ❤️


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Thankful Thursday

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