Saturday, February 27, 2021

Share Four Somethings


I'm joining in with Heather for her monthly blog post where we all share four somethings we're currently doing. 

Something loved:

It was super inconvenient and I was so ready for it all to go away, but I am so glad it snowed here recently. We had several inches of the stuff, which never happens for us here in the Memphis area and my sons and their friends had a blast. They went sledding, they did donuts in big empty parking lots, they hung out with a lot of their friends and they all just enjoyed a week of doing nothing but playing. I shared the picture of our dining room because for two days, our home was bursting at the seems. It was the six of us and about five extra people who were kind of "stuck" here. It was fun for them while it lasted, but I was also SO GLAD to have it back to just the six of us the next night.

Something read:

This is what I'm currently reading. I'm almost done with it and will most likely finish it today (Saturday). I've never read anything by this author, but I like her! This is a book about someone presently living in Paris and her life parallels another lady's life who lived in her very apartment back in the days of World War II. Each chapter is told from the different perspectives of the two women, so it skips around a bit, but in a way that you don't get confused. It's a great book, it's just a little hard to read, as are most books that take place during WWII.

Something treasured:

Quality time spent with my main man. Last night we joined his best friend and his wife for dinner at Firebirds. We have never done that, in all the years he and Chris have been friends and we will definitely be doing it again. We had a great time and could have sat for hours more talking, even after the two and a half we spent there while we ate. My dinner was amazing—I had a peppercorn crusted sirloin that was medium rare and he had ribs, which my sister Trish turned me onto when she got them there for her birthday. I love date night and I loved our double date. 

Something ahead:

(This picture is about eight years ago.) All these guys have birthdays in the next five weeks! Jonah and Noah will be eighteen on March 10, Graham  will be twenty two on March 11, and Drew will be twenty one on April 3. 

Welcome to Birthday Season in the Goodwin home. It's not that big a deal now as it used to be, but when they were little, it was CRAZY TOWN. They always wanted sleepovers and usually always more than just two or three. I always did simple dinners for them on those sleepover nights and I always made their favorite boxed cakes. These days we have family over for combined dinners, but I don't know what we'll do this year as the grandparents may not be comfortable with that. We'll see. It'll be here before I know it. 

Thanks for reading my blog! Love to all. 


  1. Your home is beautiful in the snow! We only got a dusting in central Alabama. But I'm sure your family really enjoyed the abundance of winter snow!

    1. Kelly- thank you! It was breathtaking while it lasted. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Your picture right up top is wonderful, Jennifer. And thanks for sharing a new-to-me author. This is reading season at its best, isn't it!

    Fun to meet another 4 Somethings fan today!

    Have a great weekend ...

    1. Thank you, Linda! Yes! I am loving my hobby of reading ever since Covid hit...and also binge watching my fav shows! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Your house is beautiful! Glad you were able to enjoy the snow.

  4. I'm so glad you were able to have a double date with wonderful people and delicious food. I miss those days and hope for opportunities for us in the near future.

  5. Megan- I hope the same for you! I won't ever take normal times for granted again. If 2020 taught me one thing, it's that. This was our second date night in a year, our first one being back in October when we celebrated our anniversary. It's just easier and nicer to eat at home for every meal, because of the mask mandates and guidelines in our county. I'm so ready for precedented times again! Take care and have a great day!

  6. Jennifer - your house is lovely! And just looks so cozy and inviting surrounded by the snow:)

    1. Jennifer- thank you! It was SO cozy! I feel like I am made for that feeling and sentiment. ❤️

  7. So glad you enjoyed the snow days - despite the inconvenience! Your home looks beautiful in the snow. :-) Hope the birthday season is a lot of fun too. That's a lot to celebrate!

    1. Kym- thank you! It's definitely a fun time of year! We have so much to look forward to in the coming weeks...our twin sons are also graduating!

  8. Jennifer, Your house is lovely in the snow. I'm glad all got to enjoy it. I'm happy to hear you and your husband enjoyed date night with friends. March blessings to you.

    1. Paula- thank you! It was a fun night! I look forward to more like it!

  9. I hope the Birthday season is full of fun times and wonderful memories! I love the light over your dining room table!


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