Friday, August 13, 2021

Friday Favorites, 8.13.21

Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for this weekly blog post. 

First up on my list is a piece of valuable information to anyone who loves candles—my favorite candles of all time are for sale for a limited time for only $12.95!

You should be able to click the image and be redirected to the Bath and Body Works website. If the picture and link doesn't work for you, click here

I am so ready for fall weather and decorations! 

On Wednesday night, my husband decided he was craving street tacos, so he went and picked up our dinner at a local place that sells them and these amazing tamales. It's called Tonny's Tacos and as much as I wanted to eat this whole plate, I ate two tacos and one tamale, then Drew came home right at the perfect moment after work to finish off my plate. Leftovers are Drew's favorite thing. This was delicious and my favorite thing that I ate all week.

It's always a favorite moment when I can sit with my husband in the tech booth and support him in the ministry he works within at our church. This is our fellowship hall and we had a packed room on Sunday night at a parenting conference that took place. We were having a hard time finding a seat, so they made room for me at this table inside their tech booth. Wasn't that nice of them? I tried to stay out of their way as much as possible.

It's always a favorite day when our new Bible study books come in! I'll always get a little thrill when I see the books published and printed out that we poured our hearts into as the writing team. All of the money that we make from the sell of these books goes right back into the women's ministry at our church. 

I've been using this book a lot this week. This is my favorite series of books on how to pray for your spouse, children and adult children. My best friend gave me this for my birthday last year. 

Puppy cuddles are my favorite!

Oakley is Chip's favorite play toy. They wrestle and roll around together on this rug ALL. DAY. LONG. and it is the cutest thing ever. He was so happy to see her back at home on Tuesday! She had been staying with Graham at my in-love's house while they were out of town and he was house sitting for them.

Church signs like these are my favorite! This is a church near my house that always has great sayings on their sign, but this one was from a year ago. 

The best and most favorite part of my week was when this handsome fella got some really great news yesterday.

Drew applied for a job with St. Jude Hospital here in Memphis as a Patient Care Associate and was told an hour after his interview that he got the job! He starts on September 20 and is BEYOND excited that his lifelong dream is coming true. He hopes to work here until and following when he gets his nursing degree, so prayerfully, he is here for the long haul. I'm so proud of him and I believe that it takes a special person to work at a wonderful place like St. Jude. I know for sure I wouldn't be able to do it, but I know the Lord has called him there for that job. I'm excited for him!

It's been a good week. How has your week been? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, love to all!


  1. Congrats to Drew! That is wonderful that he got the job he wanted and that he wants to be a nurse. I am so grateful for people in the medical profession. And congrats to you on your Bible study book. How neat it must be to see your name on the cover (I KNOW you are not doing it for your glory but I hope you have some healthy pride in seeing your work come to fruition). Have a great weekend!

  2. Congrats to your son! Love the puppy and Oakley. How awesome to be part of writing a Bible Study book and on Esther to boot! I love Esther.

  3. Congratulations to Drew!! What an amazing opportunity!

  4. Congrats to Drew! That is fabulous!! Heading over to check out those candles... not that I need anymore candles but that sounds like it must smell amazing.

  5. Oh my goodness l, congrats to Drew!! What wonderful news!

  6. Thank you, Tanya! I am so happy for him.

  7. Thank you, Joanne! Let me know what you think of them!


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog!

Friday Favorites, 2.7.2025.

  Happy Friday, friends! How was your week? I hope that you can say that it was a good one. Mine was pretty great and it went by really fast...