Friday, September 17, 2021

Friday Favorites, 9.17.21


Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for this weekly blog post. 

How has your week been? Mine has been weird. I still feel a lot of heaviness around me and my pastor's wife is still struggling in the hospital, but she's improving in small increments with each day it seems. The heaviness I feel is mostly because of that, sleepless nights and sinus issues this week that happened with the rain and cooler temps we've been having. I did feel much better yesterday, so that was good. Also, thank the Lord for sinus medicine. 

I'm still not really going out much and staying home most days. I'm okay with this! I've been re-watching a favorite show on Hulu—Army Wives—and on the days I haven't felt great, that's what I've done most the day, with some light housework thrown in. I prefer to read instead of watching tv, but my mind wanders when I feel bad. Isn't that strange? Tv is much more mindless, I suppose.

I also watch the show when Todd works on weekend nights, if I can't find a good movie to watch. I go back and forth with movies and shows—do you do that? I'm ready for the fall harvest movies to come out on Hallmark and I have a couple to watch. The fall harvest movies are some of my favorites at this time of year! I like them as much as the Christmas movies. 

So, puppy cuddles are still my favorite. Little Oakley has been extra loveable this week and she prefers my lap to nap in most afternoons. I love her, but I did threaten to drive her back to Arkansas one day this week. (Kidding, kidding.)

I love seeing memories like this one above come up on Timehop. This was when we went to Washington seven years ago. It'll always stand out as one of my favorite vacations.

And this memory is also a favorite of me with my sweet little great niece Kinsley three years ago. I don't know how I always end up with her in pictures, but that is the case. Isn't she sweet? So are all of her sisters!

My niece is a rockstar. Can you imagine? Two sets of twins, four girls ages four and under. I hope she doesn't mind that I shared this.

Did you see my Tuesday "around town" post? You can read it by going here. I shared about my favorite home away from home—church. 

Wednesday is always a favorite day, because of Bible study and lunch after with my mom-in-love. This Bible verse is a favorite as well, and my friend Dedee mentioned it when she was teaching. 

Fall scented Mrs. Meyer's is my favorite! Especially this scent. It's so yummy smelling and warm and spicy. I buy this in the soap and in the all purpose cleaner. I love cleaning with products that smell good, it's always a quick way to make my house smell yummy. 

So those are my favorites from this week, what are some of yours? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading along, friends. Love to all! ❤


  1. Sorry to hear you were a little under the weather. My allergies have been crazy lately! Have a good weekend!

  2. I love that acorn spice scent too. Your nieces are all adorable! Hope you are feeling better; my allergies have been crazy this fall and I have NEVER had fall allergies before.

  3. Hope you feel better.

  4. Thanks, Tanya! It's just so up and down at this time of year. I hope you had a great weekend!

  5. Thanks, Joanne! I sure think so. I hope you had a great weekend!


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