Monday, October 18, 2021



Happy Monday, friends! How was your weekend? Mine was really good, nice and low key, just like I prefer. 

My husband worked all weekend and Graham was out of town, so I kind of just hung out here at home most the time. I did get out on Saturday with my mom and sister Trish, so that was nice. We had a good lunch and ran to a couple of places my mom wanted to go to and one place that I wanted to go. I didn't buy anything, though and wasn't really in the mood to buy something to wear. My favorite store in town is called The Paisley Rooster and I buy a lot of the shirts I wear from them. It's a boutique and they have the cutest things, plus I love that it's something unlike what most other places carry. 

I went to church Sunday and had the craziest day there. I serve in the worship ministry and sing in the choir and on the praise team when it's my turn. I had told my friend I'd fill in for her this week on the praise team, because she is sick, but when I got there, another friend who works the screens that the choir looks at was sick, so I filled in for her instead and had someone else fill in for me. I know. That was a lot. I said all that to say that I love being part of a ministry like that where people just jump in where they're needed in order to fill in some gaps. My worship pastor was very grateful that I was able to jump in and so was my friend Laura who runs things up there in that particular tech booth.

I was glad to be able to do that for my friend who was sick, because she was so upset that she was leaving them in a bind by not being there. It was intimidating, but it was easy to learn, once I got started, and I only messed up twice. I learned that if I sing while on this particular song, I wouldn't remember to change the screens...and I did that twice. 

I had choir practice that afternoon and was back home and in pajamas by seven. 

The rest of the weekend consisted of reading and watching either a television show (Parenthood currently) or a Hallmark movie. I watched The Starling on Netflix Friday night and thought it was so good. If you haven't watched it, I highly recommend it, but there is some language in it. I didn't mind too much because it was about a hard situation a couple walked through and it felt raw and real. I can easily overlook language if the occasion is doesn't mean that I use language like that, but I can often overlook it in books or movies if the situation is hard.

Todd bought Crash a new bed, but oddly enough every dog except for Crash has been enjoying laying there. That makes me laugh. 

Also, fall weather got the memo and showed up late Friday night. I celebrated by wearing a sweater to church yesterday. How was your weekend? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading, as usual! Love to all! ❤


  1. I love boutiques with the unique things you can get.
    Look at you - filling all the roles. I know you are a blessing to be able to step in where needed!

  2. It sounds like you had a nice weekend. I did a little reading, and some crocheting and some TV watching too, among other things.

  3. Glad you had a nice weekend. Ours was good, too. Fairly low key though we were gone for a long time on Saturday at a cross country meet. Other than that, we stayed close to home and enjoyed the weekend doing at home activities.

  4. So glad you have such a good team at church & had a great weekend. The weather was perfect!

  5. Rebecca Jo- me too! I love that they're each unique and sell things nobody else does. I've also learned that when I see something I like, I need to buy it, or the next time I go it'll be gone. Several poncho style shirts that I wear now came from there last year.

    Thanks, friend!

  6. Cathy, that sounds perfect! Now I need to find a tv show to get sucked into again...I've watched and loved so many that I am always sad when they're over. My all time faves are Gilmore Girls, Parenthood, Grey's Anatomy (the earlier seasons only) and Army Wives. I often watch shows alone, since I'm here on my own so often.

  7. Thanks, Maria! Your weekend sounds equally as lovely.

  8. Thanks, Marilyn! Yes it sure was! This whole week is going to be so nice. I love it!

  9. You are so sweet… I know your church is blessed by you!


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