Thursday, August 18, 2022

Thankful Thursday


Happy Thursday, friends! I always love this day of posting. It's so good to be thankful—I always feel like doing this and listing these things gives me a spiritual alignment. I'd love for you to join me this week! I'm still hosting for Rebecca Jo, who is focusing on getting her shoulder better and covering her friend at work. I know many of you are like me and miss her when she's not around! If you see her on Instagram, give her some love. I am sure she would love to be encouraged! 

I am thankful for God's provision. There have been times over the years when we struggled financially and we can still be that way sometimes today, truth be told, specifically because of inflation that is happening right now. We have never once gone without, though and I have to give God the glory for the many ways He has provided for us over the years. Speaking of this, or maybe because of this, I consider this passage below one of my life passages, because I often turn it into my prayer. 

Two things I ask of you; don't deny them to me before I die: Keep falsehood and deceitful words far from me. Give me neither poverty nor wealth; feed me with the food I need. Otherwise, I might have too much and deny you, saying, "Who is the LORD?" or I might have nothing and steal, profaning the name of my God. (Proverbs 30:7-9) 

The family business has struggled many times in the past and though that could always be the case once again, I am thankful for a busy summer and a thriving business. Summer is by far their busiest time of year! 

I am still feeling very thankful for my part-time job and how God provided for me in this. I still love it and am looking forward to going in today. 

I am so thankful for a handy husband. I haven't mentioned that in a while here, but he can repair anything. Yesterday while he was at work, Drew called him and told him his truck was running really oddly and he was pulled over on the side of the road on his way into work. Todd and Jonah made it to him and as Todd was about to get started, Jonah had looked it up and found that a blown fuse could cause the problem his truck was having. Todd just so happens to keep a box of fuses in his truck, so he replaced it and sent him on his way. In the meantime, before he knew what was wrong, Graham had come home to take him my car so that he could go on to work, because his boss was losing his mind over him not being there on time. My best friend offered to let me ride with her to church and I was going to, but Graham made it back here in time for me to drive myself there for choir rehearsal. 

I am also thankful for handy sons! They're not all quite as advanced as some others, ahem Drew and Noah, but they're all at least moderately mechanically inclined. 

I am thankful for an excellent first day of Bible study yesterday! We had around seventy women sign up to join us on Wednesday mornings and it was so good seeing a room filled with women who are excited about started Bible study.

Isn't that incredible?! It is so encouraging to see this, after us having a much smaller spring semester this year. 

Even though it was like an artificial fall day, I was so glad that the weather here yesterday only reached into the mid-seventies. It was GLORIOUS and rainy most of the day and it got me so ready for fall! Even so, lately our mornings have been cool. I can't wait to be able to enjoy the deck in our backyard again. It gets really humid and buggy out there during the summer, which prevents us from using it from mid-June until the weather starts to cool down. Sometimes we'll get a night or two that is cooler and we'll sit out there with our drinks, but that doesn't happen very often. The guys love to sit out there and watch football games on the tv that is mounted on one of the posts. 

Your turn! Tell me something good from your week that you're thankful for. I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 

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  1. We've had nice cool mornings here as well and I am loving it! My younger boys and I have been heading out on walks/hikes nice and early to take advantage of the beautiful weather.

  2. I'm also thankful for this little touch of fall in the air and it's one of my favorites this week! I'm thankful for students who seem to want to learn and it makes me want to work really hard for them!
    I'm thankful for a handy hub, too. He saves us lots of money by doing things himself.
    I could go on! Have a wonderful day!

  3. This weather is definitely something to be thankful for! Cooler than normal days and a nice, completely not in the forecast rain yesterday to continue to brighten up lawns (almost all of which were already a pretty shade of green without the aid of sprinklers) and keep flowers and vegetable plants fed. I'm thankful that Alyssa's school year has started off well. It is wonderful that your husband is mechanically inclined. My husband isn't proficient with repairing cars but he is very handy around the house and can repair/ build/ renovate just about anything. Have a great Thursday, friend!

  4. Joanne, that is so nice! I am glad it's been nicer in your area as well.

  5. So glad your ladies are coming back for Bible Study. That’s a really big group. I hope you all have a really good time learning more about Jesus. The weather’s been pretty great here too. Feeling blessed. Hope you have a great day at work today.

  6. Amy, I know that must be so encouraging to you as a teacher- having students who want to learn. I'm sure it keeps you motivated and you staying motivated helps's a cycle and one feeds off the other. It's nice that your hubby is so handy! I feel the same- Todd has saved us so much money over the years.

  7. Maria, I'm glad to hear Alyssa's year has started well! I know that's a relief for you. That's amazing that your hubby can build things! All of it's connected, it seems and has saved us so much money over the years. I hope you have a great day!

  8. Thanks, Cathy! I thought it was a big group too- it was so encouraging for us to see! Nice weather abounds for everyone, it seems. Yay!

  9. What a great weather day to be the first day of bible study! The weather yesterday was definitely a favorite. I am hoping we don't have too many more days in the 90's. Enjoy your work day!

  10. That's what I thought, Marilyn! Even the rain couldn't keep us away...usually rainy days prevent people from coming. Thank you! I hope you have a great day!

  11. What a great list! 70 women on a Wednesday morning is amazing for sure. Everyone is always so busy these days it can be tough to get that kind of commitment. God's provision is undeniable. Like you, we've had some tough times over the years but we have never, ever not had just enough. Thanks for continuing to host!

  12. Thank you, Stacy! I think so too...I know that will ebb and flow as the semester goes on, but even if it's just a small handful, it's worthwhile. Amen to that testimony of God's goodness and provision! Thank you for sharing!

  13. It's been cooler here too.I love the heat,for me the hotter the better. We've had some stormy weather, oh how I love a good thunder storm. Wow, that certainly is a large group of women for the Bible study,I've never been a part of a group that large. I hear you about the ups and downs of finances. Praise be to our good good Father for seeing us through.
    Visiting from #7

  14. 70 women with open Bibles!! Wow! Goosebumps!

  15. What an exciting start to this semester's Bible study! I am praying and looking for a study near me (most do not start until September) but I hope God will lead me to a group of women just as excited about getting into God's word together! Hooray for fall-like weather. I'm not quite ready for fall but these lower temperatures sure have made for some great afternoons/evenings on the front porch!!:) Lots to be thankful for today!!

  16. Paula, I love a good thunderstorm! It was rainy here on Wednesday, and I was glad to be home for that. It's my favorite kind of day! Thank you for stopping by!

  17. Jennifer, I hope you're able to find a study for you that's close to home! I have to say- I love doing Bible study at other churches, because I love meeting new people. Yes! Hooray for outside-sitting weather! I didn't do much of that, truth be told, but I sure could have. I hope your day was great!

  18. Such a GREAT list!! Love that you have 70 women going to study in the morning. Combined with the evening and online ladies, I wonder how many there are?! That's incredible! I am thankful for YOU! Thank you for the sweet mail this past week!!!

  19. Thanks, Bri! I think it's great too. I'll have to ask Amy, now that you mention it. I'm curious! I'm thankful for you too!


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