Monday, December 5, 2022

Come on in! Christmas home, 2022.


The blogging schedule is full this week, so happy late Monday night and welcome to this week's bonus post. Tis the season for them now, I suppose. I love seeing how people decorate their homes all year long, but especially during this beautiful season. If you've done this type post, please let me know in the comments, because I want to check yours out as well! That being said, come on in, friends!

We always keep things simple on the outside of our home. They're hard to see, but we have lights around the front door and hopefully on the night that you read this, there will be lights on that flag pole for a Christmas tree. Todd had to come home and do that last night after a special tech rehearsal at church and borrowed a special chord for this. 

I love how the dining room turned out for once! I struggle with this room because of all the wood. It helps having a tablecloth over the dining room table, though to break it all up. I love the happy little snowman plate that my mom gave me years ago. I love filling it with colorful ornaments. The arrangement on the hutch is one my mom made for me years ago as well, for our women's tablescapes event at church. There will be a theme here in our home, involving my mom. She gives me lots of things that she no longer uses. 

From here, I'll bring you into our kitchen. 

This wooden box was a gift from Todd's brother and sister in law. I filled it with these lidded jars and added the greenery and berries. I love how it turned out, especially because it's simple. 

I always decorate the top of our fridge! I love it this year. I put that little brass house inside the globe and added the plant Mom gave me and a Hummel that was hers as well. 

I love displaying cookbooks like this and added my Southern Living one to the top. 

This is the third year I've used these wreaths from Hobby Lobby. I attach them to the cabinet doors with ribbon and painter's tape. I have two more across this room on the cabinets above the microwave (that sits above the stove). 

I have all the usual through the rest of the downstairs...Christmas pillows on all the furniture, cozy blankets that I like to keep out and my favorite thing of all—the tree with the box that Todd and Jonah made for me one year. I love how rustic is and that they knew I wanted one, so instead of buying one, they just made me one on a Saturday. 

I keep tea towels out in the kitchen that hang on the oven, and I have Christmas hand towels and soaps that I like to use in all our bathrooms. 

I love combining the old and what is nostalgic to me with the newer things I've collected over the years. Most of what I use are things that have been handed down to me from my parents, my siblings and things the boys have picked out for me as gifts throughout their childhood. I love this pallet tree that I now keep in our kitchen. My stepdad made this for me one year and it did sit out one year, then I've had it inside ever since. I love the warmth and glow it gives to the kitchen. 

My mom and stepdad made Trish and I these paintings one year for Christmas. This is Trish's that I keep here at my house and mine hangs above the bed in our room. I love these old windows that lead us upstairs—they came off our house when we did the big reno a few years ago. And this lawyer's cabinet at the landing upstairs is my favorite. That's just an old scarf I threw on top and added a few other things to round it out. 

My favorite holiday picture of the boys taken a decade ago hangs in our living room all year long. 

And lastly, our bedroom, which is my favorite. I just love this cozy season! All the lights and textures make it extra special, which is another reason why I love this time of year. I almost always have music playing in the background, which ranges from cozy Christmas to Pentatonix, with everything thrown in between. I always have a candle or three burning as well, either Christmas tree scented or peppermint scented, which are my favorites. I keep the house pretty picked up, so it's always put together for the most part, and I even use festive smelling cleaners to add an extra touch.

I love adding small touches to all the rooms. The boys all have lights in their rooms, but I don't want to share their spaces without asking them first, and I haven't done that. I thing adding lots of little things that bring joy is what makes the difference. I don't do fancy or complicated—in fact, if something takes too long, I start over and do something totally different. I hope you enjoyed an extra glimpse of our home! I hope you share your post soon as well, because I LOVE reading these. Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 


  1. I love the berries in the jars and the windows going up the stairs. Everything looks great and so festive. My decor is so simple this year, but it fits my style.

  2. Ahh your bedroom looks so cozy and picture perfect

  3. So lovely! I really like the berries and greenery in the jars and also on your dining room light fixture.

  4. Thanks, Amy! I'm sure it's lovely at your house...that's what I love about seeing what other people do. I think everyone decorates to fit their style and that's what makes it beautiful to me!

  5. Thanks, Marilyn! I switched it up a little this year.

  6. I love it all! The berries in the jars are perfect and the wreaths in the kitchen are amazing! So many cute things! Thanks for showing us around. I love that you did your bedroom too. What a great touch!

  7. Thank you, Debbie! The berries in a jar were such a simple thing that I did, that it surprised me that it looks so pretty. I love putting Christmas all around in each room, even if it's just in twinkly lights that the boys have in their rooms. ❤

  8. So cute & homey! I love when there are details throughout the house.

    & in my home, I still have a bare tree LOL I'm so slacking this year.

  9. I am finding so much beauty in Christmas simplicity this year! Your home looks so beautiful, warm, and inviting - perfect for the holiday season! I love your mantle/fireplace area!


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