Saturday, January 28, 2023

share 4 somethings- January, 2023


Happy Saturday, friends! Thank you for joining in with the first share 4 somethings of 2023. I'm so glad you're here! I want to give some love to Heather for starting this fun link party...I am continuing it for her this year, but if she ever wants it back, I will gladly give it to her once more. This month and all year long, we'll share the things we loved, read, learned and ate. We'll do this on the LAST SATURDAY of every month, so make plans to join us today and for all the other months this year. I'll get started! 

I have loved working on memorizing Scripture again. Here are a couple I've been working on.

I have loved my cleaned out closet! I use this little space to lay out my outfits for the next day before I go to bed each night, even down to the jewelry. 

This served me well, since I just started working full time again. 

I read some great books! 

This devotional book that I stumbled on by accident is fabulous. Have you ever read anything by Bob Goff? He's an excellent writer and motivational speaker. 

You should come back this week! I'll post the books I read in January on Tuesday, January 31. This one above is a sneak peak! 


I learned that I can do hard things. I don't know if you read my Currently post at the beginning of January, but it turns out that it was a bit prophetic, for lack of a better word. In that post, I shared how this would be the year that I am resolving to say yes to new things, to things that scare me. Well, shortly after that post was written, I was offered a new job, a full time job that I was not looking for! I wrote a post about how this all came about on Wednesday, so click here if you'd like to read it for yourself.

This was me walking into work early Thursday morning. I'll share more about that day next week, so come back and visit! I'm still writing blog posts everyday, in spite of my busier schedule. 

I ate some things that were new to me! Todd and I  tried Vietnamese food for the first time, and both of us loved it. We found out it was healthy and delicious, and we were hooked. We tried a very authentic restaurant the first time we ate this food, and I may or may not have killed a bug on the wall beside me. The second we tried was one that was much more our speed and where we the staff people spoke English. 🤣 

We ate this delicious pizza one night recently, made with a cauliflower crust.

This had buffalo chicken that I'd made one night in the crock pot, spinach, olive oil, garlic powder, salt, red pepper flakes, and provolone cheese. It was amazing! 

Just a reminder:

1. Use the Link Button to leave a link to your  #sharefoursomethings post. 

2. Share some love by visiting one or two other posts and leaving a comment. (We all love comments!)

3. If you do not have a blog post, please leave your #sharefoursomethings with a comment below.

4. Please link back to this post in your #sharefoursomethings post.

5. You can follow me on Instagram...if you do, I'll tag you in my stories each month. Here is my profile for you to follow.

I can't wait to read your posts! If I don't see you before the next Share 4 Somethings post, I'll see you back here on Saturday, February 25th. Thanks again for joining up with me today! Love to all. 

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. Thank you for providing this fun link up and for making me blog on a Saturday! I really like cauliflower crust at restaurants but haven't made it at home. Did you buy a pre-made crust? Details?
    You've had a good month, I think. I feel like you are living your best life! Happy Saturday, friend! They will hit differently now!

  2. So… I found your blog through Amy (above). I then read your four thoughts today and was interested in another Bob Goff book (one year I gave away a dozen of his books because it was my favorite of the year) . I headed to Amazon to check it out and the audible sample is exactly what I needed this Saturday morning!! I love it when things work out that way :)
    Have a great day!

  3. Amy, I am so glad you linked up today! This is another fun one that I love. For the pizza, yes, I did buy a pre-made crust from Kroger. I made it with the toppings I liked and baked it according to the package instructions. If it said 8 to minutes, I started checking at the 8 minute mark. You should give it a try! It was delicious. Thanks for that! I feel like I am definitely living my best life right now. I'm thankful for my family and friends who have cheered me on. You're one of them! ❤️

  4. Scripture memory is an important spiritual discipline for me, too. I love having truths to speak into my heart at anytime. I'm a big fan of Bob Goff too! We saw him speak in person a few years back and he was as phenomenal and energetic off the page as he is on the page. Congrats on stepping into "yes" this year. Doing hard things is usually quite rewarding in the end! The Vietnam food "for the beginners" would be perfect for me. I had a Vietnam friend who brought me a dish once, and I wasn't even sure how to eat it. lol. It was very different. Thanks for taking over for Heather and hosting us!

  5. I need to start memorizing scripture, but in the meantime I write them out or type them and print them out and hang them on the office wall around my desk so I can see them every day. I want to try one of those crusts. I see above that you get them at Kroger and I'll be going there today maybe. Thanks for hosting this and letting me participate.

  6. Congratulations again on the new job! I love when things just fall into place like that! I recently started listening to some Bob Goff and really enjoy his enthusiasm and humorous style, so I'm hoping to start reading some of his books too. Thanks for giving this link party a new home!

  7. This was fun! Thanks so much for taking it over (and making me aware of it; somehow I never followed along with Share 4 Somethings before). I can't wait to see what books you read this month.

  8. I love the little heart necklace. I try to think about what I'm going to wear the night before...that does help me in the mornings. Most of the time, whatever I wear to church on Sunday I wear to school on Monday. I hope you've had a great week!

  9. Vietnamese food is great - so fresh with all that mint and lemongrass. Delish!
    Congrats on the new job and enjoy that shiny new job feeling.
    Thank you for taking over the link up - I do enjoy this short sharp reflection each month.
    And I agree as we age we default to no so have to push ourselves to say yes mor often!!

  10. Jennifer, so nice to meet you as the new host of Share Four Somethings! I stuck with the old categories this month but will catch up next time around with the new format!

    Congratulations on your new job!!

  11. Lisa, I'm so glad you linked up this month! It's nice to meet you! I love Bob Goff and got to meet him after hearing him speak one year. He's amazing! I always feel so inspired after hearing him or reading one of his books. He has such a way with words that is simple, yet profound. I love memorizing Scripture for that same reason, and I also love listening to worship music with lyrics from the word of God. Anyway I can hide His word in my heart is a great thing, in my opinion! Thanks again for stopping by and for taking the time to comment! I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend.

  12. Cathy, I love writing out Scripture too! That's what's helped me memorize it the most. I wrote it out for years myself. I hope you like the crust! It tastes the same as a regular crust, in my opinion. You'll have to let me know what you think. I hope you're having a great weekend!

  13. Thanks, Kym! I was so glad to keep it going for Heather. I meant to link back to her in my post and forgot...I'll go edit this now so I can make sure and credit her for the party. I love Bob Goff! Have you read his books? Love Does is one of the best books I have ever read.

    I hope you're having a great weekend!

  14. You're welcome, Sarah! I'm so glad you linked up with all of us this month. I hope you enjoy your weekend!

  15. I'm so glad you joined us for this, Joanne! It's always a fun little recap. I'm working on that post now!! I can't wait to share. 🖤 I had to quit a couple, but I finally found some to hold my attention!

  16. Thanks, Jen! I love that necklace. My husband gave me that for my birthday the year Kendra Scott came out with those heart necklaces. I love it wear it all the time! I love picking out my clothes the night before, and I love what you do for Sunday/Monday. I'll do that same thing too! Thanks for that, and I guess that means I've got the first day of work's clothes picked out already. 🤣

  17. Thank you for that, Lydia! And you are right, I love this new type of food we've discovered. I love all the herbs that our pho came with when we ordered that! I love lemongrass. Who knew?!

  18. Thank you for hosting - and that food looks DELICIOUS! :) Congrats again on the new job and I hope it continues to be great!

  19. I'm glad to do this, Amy! Thank you for that!

  20. Congrats and good luck with the new job! New things can be intimidating but take heart, you can do it. The Vietnamese food looks delicious.

    I missed out on the linkup this month but I hope to join next month. Have a good one.

  21. Congratulations on your new job! I'm sure you will be an amazing reading intervention specialist! Bob Goff is on my to be read list, but I haven't read any of his books yet. I like how you have organized your complete outfit for the coming day. Can I ask the brand and color of your lipstick? It looks incredible! Thanks for hosting, Jennifer!

  22. Thanks for that, Lory! I appreciate your encouraging words. I'll look forward to you joining us next month!

  23. Thank you, Lisa! I love Bob Goff so much...his books, hearing him speak. He is a gifted man when it comes to writing and motivational speaking. I'll come over to your blog and tell you this as well, in case you don't see this, but it's one of the colors that came in a set from Qibest that I bought on Amazon. It's long wearing matte lipstick that comes in a lip gloss tube...I always put either Chapstick or something more creamy on top of it, since it's dry. Thanks for joining us for Share 4 Somethings this month! ❤️

  24. I am reading the Bob Goff devotional this year. I LOVE his writing! I think I found the devotional in a free little library, or at a used bookstore, can't quite remember now. Thank you so much for hosting this! The things "ate" category is going to be the hardest one for me, I think. I am planning to read your job posts. Have a great week!

  25. You look so cute walking into work there! Can't wait to read about it. Here's to another great week ahead....and students who notice your cute shoes!!:) So enjoyed the link-up!

  26. Thanks so much for taking over the linkup, Jennifer. I know what you mean about the joy of a cleaned-out closet. And that Vietnamese food looks wonderful!

  27. Cindy, I am so glad that you joined us for this fun post! Thank you for keeping it up, even though I'm a new host for it for the time being. I love Bob Goff so much, and was honored to meet him several years ago. He is a phenomenal and inspiring man and speaker, and his love for Jesus is contagious. I think the things I ate may be difficult for everyone. I may modify that for next month! Thanks for the feedback, it's always appreciated. Have a wonderful weekend!

  28. Thank you, Jennifer! Your sweet words made me smile. I appreciate your friendship and encouragement! I look forward to sharing more about work next week. I pray you're recovering well, my friend. I can't wait to hear from you!

  29. Lois, I was glad to take it over for the time being! Thank you for joining us, in spite of its new place on the internet. We are big lovers of that beautiful food now! I'm excited to eat it again soon. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!


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Wednesday Hodgepodge

  Happy Wednesday, friends! I'm linking up with  Joyce over at From This Side of the Pond  for today's post. I'll jump right in!...