Saturday, February 25, 2023

Share 4 Somethings- February edition


Happy Saturday, friends! Thank you for joining in with us today! I'm so glad you're here! I want to give some love to Heather for starting this fun link party...I am continuing it for her this year, but if she ever wants it back, I will gladly give it to her once more. This month and all year long, we'll share the things we loved, read, learned and ate. We'll do this on the LAST SATURDAY of every month, so make plans to join us today and for all the other months this year. I'll get started! 

Loved: This month I loved the ice/snow days we had! I was ready to go back to work after three days in a row of being home, but it was so nice and unexpected to have some time off like that right after starting my new job. 

I loved showering sweet Katelynn with my friend Carol from church, I loved seeing sunshine after days of dreary weather, and I loved and enjoyed teacher treats at work!

Read: I read some great books this month, albeit not as many as what would be my normal. I am only sharing this snippet, because I'm blogging about the books I read this month on Tuesday of next week. I hope you come back to read that post! 

Learned: I have learned a ridiculous amount of things in the full month I've been working. My head is still spinning from all that I've had thrown at me these last few weeks, but here are a few takeaways from what I've learned or re-learned:

I've learned that I still love to be there early to get my bearings for my day. I pull out the laptop that belongs to me and my lesson plan book each morning and get ready for my first group of kids for reading intervention.

I've re-learned things I haven't thought about in ages—things like idioms, adverbs, suffixes and prefixes, words that have vowel and consonant patterns, or vowel blends...I could go on.

I've learned that students love writing on a dry erase board and that if I get to the cafeteria too early for breakfast duty, the Y care man at school will send kids over to me too early, so I have to hide in this corner. Now I don't even walk in there until right at the exact time, because I got tired of him doing that and I'm proving a point by staying out of there.

Ate: I ate some great meals out with my hubby and with some friends and family. I always lean toward Mexican for food, or a favorite I'd forgotten about, Wolf River Brisket.

And we all ate a yummy family meal the night Drew and his roommate came and joined us for dinner. 

I can't wait to read your posts! If I don't see you before the next Share 4 Somethings post, I'll see you back here on Saturday, March 25th. Thanks again for joining up with me today! Love to all. 

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

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  1. I'm glad you were able to enjoy some unexpected time off, and also that your new job is providing so many learning experiences. Hope it continues to be a good challenge.

  2. I'm jealous of your snow. We never got any this year in Alabama (not a big surprise but we often get at least one snow). :) Dressing in clothes that make me feel good is one of my favorite things about winter. I'll trade in my sweatpants soon for shorts. lol. Thanks for hosting us, Jennifer!

    (oops, I linked up the wrong blog post the first time. I deleted it and added the right one.)

  3. I love seeing your school space! Can't wait to see what books you've read. Looks like a great month!

  4. I'm so glad you are loving your job with the kids. It sounds like you're really getting a rhythm to what your doing and that is good. Hope you have a great weekend.

  5. School sounds like it is going well, and it sounds like you are finding creative ways to keep healthy boundaries.

  6. The snow/ice looks so pretty! Especially the second picture where it looks like fairy lights on the tree. :-) I'm jealous of all the yummy food - I've had to eat bland and soft this week and I'm already over it. LOL

  7. It sounds like a wonderful month!! I will check back on Tuesday to see what you are reading/have been reading. I am such a book nerd, LOL, I want to hear about all the books. I hope you continue to enjoy your job. Have a great weekend!

  8. We had ice and snow days this past week too... but around here it's just life as normal. Thankfully all my guys made it to and from everything safely. I hate when we have icy days and they don't have any delays or closings. But I do love how it looks with the trees all coated and sparkly. It sounds like the new job is really going great!!

  9. Thank you, Lory! I'm so glad you joined us this month for Share 4 Somethings!

  10. Lisa, I hate that you didn't see snow this year. Does it ever snow in March there? I guess it depends on where you are, but we've seen some of our biggest snows in the month of March. I'm so glad you linked up with us today!

  11. Jen, thanks! I love sharing about it, because it's a fun place to be. Lots of great things happen in that room! I read some great books this of which I devoured in a couple of days, even in spite of my full time job. I think that's rare! My reading life has suffered some with me working all the time. Thanks for joining us for this link party!

  12. Thank you, Cathy! I'm so glad you joined us again this month!

  13. Lisa B. - It is! Thank you for that. I appreciate you joining in with us today!

  14. Kym, it was so beautiful! I love seeing ice on tree branches. It reminds me of sparkling diamonds! Thank you for the kind words about work. I appreciate them and I'm so glad you joined us today for the link party!

  15. Thanks, Cindy! I am the exact same way. I always want to know what people are reading! My to-be read this is growing and growing. Thanks for joining in with us for this month's Share 4 Somethings!

  16. Joanne, that's such a bummer when nothing is delayed or closed, I'm sure! I know what you mean about them arriving home safely at the end of those kinds of days. I often fall asleep praying for the safety of our sons. I'm so glad you joined us again this month!

  17. Thanks for hosting us all again this month!

  18. What a fun month you have had! And learning so much at your new job...still so excited for you! Here's to another full month ahead (or fun at work and lots of yummy eating - you meals here look tasty!) Happy Monday!!

  19. I’ve been sick so I’m behind on everything, but I enjoyed reading about your month! Your something eaten category always makes me hungry. And it was fun to read about all the things you are relearning/remembering at your new job. :-)


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