Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Currently- the August edition


Happy Wednesday, friends! I am so glad you're here and that you're linking up for this fun link party. Don't forget to visit some of the other participating blogs and to leave them some comment love! This month we're sharing what we're currently loving, looking forward to, starting, thinking, and wearing. In September we'll be sharing what we're currently loving, seeing, dreaming, eating, and using to decorate. In October we'll share what we're currently loving, excited about, watching, dreaming, and observing. 

Loving: I am loving sunflowers! They're everywhere right now, but I am really loving these that Todd gave me last week after our date night. Aren't they beautiful?

The bouquet was so big that I divided it in half and kept one on the table in the kitchen and the other one to the living room. I love having fresh flowers in our home! I am currently still loving seeing pictures like this of Todd. I love that he feels great about himself and that he likes how he looks. 

Looking forward to: I am looking forward to the thought of school starting back. If you're a teacher and reading this, I'm sorry. Our town has had crazy traffic all summer, and I'm ready for it to go back to normal. I don't know why the summer effects it so badly, but the main road in our town (Poplar) is terribly congested all week long. Usually it's that way just at the lunch hour. Speaking of school...

I can't stay away from the one I finished working at in May! I was back there on Monday for a meeting with the principal and two other teachers. We were working on a summary for an application that I helped edit for them. I still love them all so much! It was great seeing them, but I have to confess that I am relieved to not be returning to full time work. 

I am also looking forward to lower gas prices. I was shocked by the price of it last Friday when I filled my car up at Costco. I paid $3.16 a gallon! That's the highest it's been in ages, at least that's the case at Costco. That is the only place I get my gas from, because their prices are always less than everyone else's.

Starting: As I write this, it's Monday and I'm starting to clean out my closet. Why do I hate this task? It's really not a big deal, it's just the thought of getting started. I started small with my shoes and will go from there. I worked on this Tuesday and dropped off some things for donation at our clothes closet at church. This is an older picture from January, but it's still very similar to this. I didn't really purge things, I just straightened things up and made my shoes neater again. I have to work on this continually, because it just gets messy when I'm changing clothes at the end of a day.

I also helped Noah with his closet on Monday night. When Drew moved out, Noah took his room and closet. The closet in that room is huge, but Drew left a lot of his things behind, and we've never really done anything with it in the two years he's been out on his own. It felt so good to pull all of that stuff out of the closet, and organize it in a way that Noah can use the space. Afterward, I vacuumed in there for him, then we put it all back in a way that makes the most sense for him. He's so tall that we had to hang everything up high and left the lower space for shoes/bags. Here's the picture I took of the finished space.

We stopped before we got to the very top shelf you see on the left side of this picture. We were hot and called it a night, but even without having done that one shelf with the games and old science experiment kits, it was a thousand times better than it was when we started. Before this, you could hardly walk inside. We pulled everything out and sorted as we went, with piles to donate and throw away, then we slowly and methodically put it all back. He had done this on his own, but wasn't very successful since he didn't know what to do with the things Drew left behind. After two years, I just decided for Drew what to keep and what to donate. If he hasn't missed it by now, chances are he won't need it later.

Thinking: Do you ever look back at old pictures of yourself and wonder what the heck you were thinking when you ________ (fill in the blank)? I do! I think that when I see old pictures of my hair. Not only was the style not great, but I've had so many different hair colors! What in the world was I thinking having hair this short?? 🤣

Wearing: I'm wearing loose clothing and I'm layering. Tell me you're in the throes of menopause without actually saying you're in the throes of menopause. This is me, and I am literally always hot, then I get cold. This is the kimono I'm wearing over dresses like the olive one pictured below. I wore the same one Monday with a black dress. I love how versatile it is and that it goes with literally everything. 

I'm wearing this flowy white top that's a few years old and from Cato's.

And this is the denim jacket that is also a few years old from Cato's. It's what I have on in this picture below.

I'm wearing my new neutral sandals that I love...

...very natural looking nail polish like this OPI one called Movie Buff, and OPI's Quest for Quartz on my toes that looks almost identical...

It's your turn! Tell me some things you're currently loving, looking forward to, starting, thinking and/or wearing. I'd love to hear from you! Thanks again for linking up with me today and for reading my blog. I always appreciate when you leave such sweet comments here! I hope you have the best day, friends. Love to all! 🖤 

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  1. I love closet clean out posts! I would highly recommend that you get the felt lined hangers. I think Costco usually has them. I have mostly black, but if I had it to do again I would get them in white. The hangers take up very little space and nothing falls off. I think having uniform hangers really helps.
    I can't figure out how to organize my clothes. Do I do colors or sleeve lengths? As you can tell, I love to talk about closet organization.
    Our temps are so nice right now that I wore the new jeans out to happy hour. We sat on a lovely patio and I was not one bit hot! Ahhhhh!

  2. Re your short hair (which I think is cute), I think several Hollywood stars in the 90's had short hair and that trend trickled down. I cut my hair shorter than it had been since I was a young child. I didn't keep it short for long and I look back at my pictures the same way you do yours.
    Do you think gas prices are going down? I sure hope so but am afraid it's going to take a big election to go a certain way for that to happen. Gas prices rose almost immediately in late January 2020 and have not been low since. I would be thrilled (in a post Jan. 2020 way) to pay $3.16 a gallon. We are at close to $3.50 right now. Ugh.
    Congrats on the closet refreshes. I am going through Jacob's closet and room right now. Since he's officially moved out, I want to turn his room into a guest room. But it still has SO MUCH stuff of his that he claims he doesn't want. But does he really not want it?? So many decisions to make about it. Have a great Wednesday!

  3. Currently I am loving embroidery and looking forward to my next project.
    I am always wearing graphic t-shirts when around the house or going to the store because it's so hot! I only get dressed up if going to church or some place nicer because I can't stand to feel stuffy these days.

    I am looking forward to FALL! Every hot day is one day closer :)

    And I love to organize my closet! But it only stays that way for a while and then I get lazy and just start putting stuff back in their general area.

  4. Amy, I love those too! And those felt hangers are amazing. We have some, but they've gotten divided up between Todd and me, so I could stand to buy some more. I do love how blouses never slip off of them, though, and the white is a great idea. Ours are the black ones.

    As my for own system in my closet, I organize by season, sleeve length and color, always starting with white on the left and ending with black on the right. I've done it lots of ways, but this is what I've done that I love and that works for now. Who knows how it'll be in the future? I also love rainbow order. I love seeing everyone's normal, everyday closets. When I say that, I mean closets like mine, with no fancy organization. I love that, but most people don't have that in their homes. I'd love to see your closet! You should share sometime.

  5. Maria, I think you're right about the hairstyle trend. I'm sure that's why I had mine like that too. It took me years to decide to grow it out, though, and now that it's long, I'll be old and senile before I let it get that short again.

    I guess I thought the gas prices would go down after summer is over and traveling dies back down like it does every year. But you could definitely be right about that! I'm dreading and looking forward to election year. I dread it because of how mean the different sides are, and how people become so divided. I'm looking forward to it for obvious reasons! 🤣

  6. Debbie, those things sound fun! I would love to love to embroidery or something involving a needle and thread, but I am not talented in that way. I always love hearing about your projects on your blog, so I look forward to reading about that soon! I know what you mean about the heat- it's for that reason that I am wearing loose-y goose-y things that don't touch me too much. Flowy is great for me, and if it's a dress, even better! Well, except for that whole having to peel my legs off restaurant benches, but it's a sacrifice worth making since it keeps me cool. 🤣

  7. Yes! Totally agree with you on closet clean outs- the one thing that I truly procrastinate on- ugh- hate it! Loving that pink dress on you SO much- I promise I will link up tomorrow :)

  8. Holly, right? I always think it'll be terrible and then once I start, I always wonder what took me so long. Thanks for that! You have plenty of time, I always keep the link open for about three weeks, so no rush/worries!

  9. I need to clean out my closet too. In the past I've moved my things into the guest room closet and now that needs a big clean out!

  10. Those sunflowers are gorgeous. I need to do a closet clean out too. I have to many clothes that are over 10 years old that I know I will never wear again.

  11. It is so pretty for sunflower season around here! You are not alone with the constant need to organize closets. I try to tidy up once a week,usually when I do laundry, but it gets messy throughout the week. I noticed the Memphis Chicks banner on the wall in Noah's room! We use go see them play when I was younger. Thanks for the link up today!

  12. I get hot so easy so I do love the soft, flowy clothes. I hope where I live gets some decent Fall weather this year and it doesn't go too quick because it's my favorite season.

    Lauren @

  13. I love your sunflowers they are so pretty! It always feels great when the closets are all done but getting started is such a hassle! I also went through a short hair stage when my oldest son was little. When I look back at the photos I also think WHAT??? I absolutely love your nail colour and I will have to try it, soft neutral colours are my favourite. Thanks for sharing the name 😊

  14. Happy cleaning out that closet, Dara! I'm so glad you linked up with us today. Have a wonderful day!

  15. Thanks, Adrienne! My side of the closet was the same a couple of years ago, but I did a massive clean and purge last year. It felt so good to do that and to let all those clothes go. My husband has done the same, because he's lost 70 pounds, which is amazing. He both loved and hated getting rid of so many of his favorite shirts! It does feel good to get organized, though. I hope you're able to do that soon! Thanks for linking up with us today; I hope you have a great day!

  16. I agree, Marilyn! It's definitely a bonus and reward for being the hottest time of year. How funny that you noticed that Memphis Chicks banner! It was Todd's and has hung in that spot for years...even though Noah isn't necessarily a huge sports fan, I like that he doesn't mind if the banners stay there. We collected them from the different games we've been to throughout our married years. I'm so glad you linked up with us today! I hope you have the best day, my friend.

  17. Lauren, I wholeheartedly agree with your statement! Fall is also my favorite season, and it passes by so quickly. Our hot weather usually lasts through mid-October, so our trees don't do much changing until around then or November even. I'd love to live somewhere that was more of an autumn season!

  18. Thanks, Ruth! I'm so glad you linked up with us today for Currently! I don't know about you, but when I read an OPI nail polish name, I'm likely to remember it more. That's why I like to share, because while it does help friends like you, it also helps me! I hope you have a great day, my friend.

  19. Understand constantly tweaking the closet. Love your long hair!
    Your gas prices make me want to cry - ours was $4.63 yesterday and hasn't been under $4.00 in so long that I can't remember. I live in the Pacific NW and our gasoline prices are always high. You can't pump your own gas here, so it creates more jobs supposedly.
    Blessings on the rest of your week!

  20. Those sunflowers are just lovely! I have a phot of me where I too have really short and curly hair that looks so much like yours. I have had nearly every hair color and length under the sun and have rocked everything from straight to super curly hair too!

  21. Lovely sunflowers! I too need to clean out my closet, as I lost a lot of weight over the past year and have many clothes I no longer wear. As for your gas price, I'm jealous. Here in the Netherlands, we pay around €2.20 (so $2.25) a liter.

  22. I feel the same way when I look back at some of my old haircuts. And our traffic situation is just the opposite...summer traffic is not quite as bad as that during the school year!

  23. Thank you, GrammaGrits! I have heard that about the Northwest before, and yikes. I won't complain over our prices anymore! Will yours ever get lower again, I wonder? I'm so glad you joined us today! Have a great rest of your week!

  24. Thanks, Joanne! That's so funny about your hair. I can relate and feel the same way! I've had every style and color under the sun. I used to say when I couldn't cut it any shorter, I started messing with the color. I definitely DON'T feel that way anymore! Thanks for joining us today, sweet lady!

  25. Thanks, Astrid! I'm so glad you linked up with us today for Currently! Your gas prices- oh my word. I won't complain anymore about our prices! Are they always that high? I hope you have a great rest of the week!

  26. Tanya, that's interesting. Is it because people live outside of the city and are driving their kids into the city, or vice versa? I have a friend whose son and family live near Katy, and they just moved closer to Houston because they were driving over an hour everyday by taking the kids to and from school. I cannot even fathom that!

  27. I feel like I've been looking for a good denim jacket for years. I had a one in college but it wasn't anything special and after awhile I got rid of it. I think it was the St. John's Bay from JCPenney's LOL.

    Some women just look *better* with longer hair. I feel like I'm one of them too.

  28. I just love this series and reading everyone's posts! Sunflowers are my absolute favorite flower. Yours are so beautiful! I am with you on the summer traffic! Especially with everyone shopping for back to school. Everything in our town is off of 1 major it gets congested. I did a huge closet purge a couple of months ago! It took me a solid 3 days and I filled up 10ish bags of stuff! I donated shoes, belts, bags, purses, clothes, etc. It feels good to have a tidy closet! That Kimono is beautiful!

  29. What a fun blog link! I just found your blog from Debbie at Meanwhile at Millies. Can't wait to join in.

  30. I cleaned my closet out a couple of weeks ago and I told hubby this morning that I'm going to do my chest of drawers tonight...taking one drawer at a time in to where we'll be watching TV together. Hoping I'll keep that commitment. Love all the clothes you're wearing. So cute and I really love that polish. Hope you have a great day.

  31. Kirsten, it's hard to find a great denim jacket! I do love this one- the length, the color, the wash, and the fact that it has some stretch. I think the same thing about hair and am so glad I finally realized this.

  32. Thanks, Crystal! I love this series too. It's so much fun reading things people are currently doing/enjoying! And I am so glad you're here! Doesn't it feel great to have an organized closet? I love that mine is nice and neat again, and I love that my son Noah's is as well! I keep opening the door and just looking inside. Ha!

  33. Thanks, Patty! I'm so glad you stopped by; I have also found some blogs through Debbie's. I just love her! I'd love to have you join us here for the link party. I keep it open for about three weeks, so you have plenty of time to join if you want. I hope you've had a great week!

  34. Cathy, that's a great idea to clean out a drawer while you watch tv! Talk about killing two birds with one stone...doesn't it feel great to have a clean closet? It's one of my favorite simple pleasures in life. I hope you've recuperated from your whirlwind trip last weekend!

  35. Gorgeous sunflowers! I think your short hair was cute! I wonder what I was thinking when I look back at old photos of myself - especially when my kids laugh at some of our choices! But I remind them (and myself) that the hairstyles and clothing that might look ridiculous to us now was probably really fashionable at the time and THAT'S what we were thinking! Haha. Thanks for being our gracious hostes!!

  36. Thanks, Kym! You are so right about what we were thinking- and I am sure it probably was the thing to do back then. I love looking back on things like older hairstyles and ways of dressing. I'm so glad you linked up with us this month!

  37. I personally think your short hair looks cute and spunky - and suits you!!:) I'm a short hair fan but, at the stage of my life, I'd be happy for any hair - LOL!!

  38. I love having fresh flowers in the house! It makes me so happy and sunflower season is almost here. I wish I wasn't going back to work full-time but I need to remind myself that working full-time allows us to do some of the fun things which I really enjoy (like travel and baseball games).

  39. So sweet of your husband to buy you those beautiful flowers. I need to move your way. Our gas is $4.69 at Costco and $5.39 - 5.69 at other stations. We are near Seattle. It hurts my soul a little to fill up

  40. Thanks, Jennifer! I loved it when it was short, but I also like it longer now. I'm sure it'll be short again someday...but maybe not. Your comment made me laugh.

  41. Natasha, same! I love your attitude regarding working full time. You are so right! I loved the job I had while I worked, and was grateful to learn and know that I could and would do it again if the need ever arose.

  42. Thanks, Sheri! I thought it was nice too. YIKES! I won't complain about our prices!


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