Saturday, September 30, 2023

Share 4 Somethings

Happy Saturday, friends! Welcome to this month's edition of Share 4 Somethings, where we talk about things we've loved, learned, read, and ate and/or enjoyed throughout the month. I'm so glad you're here! Don't forget to link back to me in your post, and to leave some comment love on some of the other blogs who join us this month. I won't be around here in the blog world for most of this week...just today, Wednesday, and I'll be back on Friday since I'm out of town. 

I'll jump right in!


I have loved having a decorated home for fall!

I've also loved decorating for fall in the bookstore at church. I'm pretty sure a lot of this came from our fall festival that we used to have each year. 


Once again this year, I have learned so many new things. The recent things I've learned have everything to do with running a business. It's been a lot to learn, and I am not finished learning everything. I've vented here that this side of the bookstore freaks me out, but yesterday was a much better day, and for the first time in the few weeks I've been running it, the financial side of it went smoothly. I was so relieved about this! It also made a huge difference that I got it out of the way first thing Thursday morning when I went into work, as opposed to waiting until the afternoon. 


I read so many great books in September! In case you missed it, here's a link to the post I shared about them last week. I finished another book already that I'm counting for my October books, one that was recommended by another blogger that I have all the thoughts and feelings about. 


I've enjoyed spending time with my husband this month. He hasn't been working for the sheriff's department as much as usual, so we've had lots of nights at home to date, or just hang out and watch tv and talk. He's my favorite to spend time with! 

It's your turn! I always love reading your posts. I'll see you back here in a few days! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all!

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  1. How lovely to get some unexpected time together. I like the decorations - we don't really do that ehre tho around Halloween stuff begins to appear...#ShareFourSomethings

  2. So glad you had a better bookstore financial day! Have a wonderful trip!

  3. Lydia, that was such a great thing about this month! Have a great weekend!

  4. Thanks, Amy! I was so relieved when Thursday went better. I hope you enjoy your weekend!

  5. My fall decorations are the pits. lol. I usually buy a pumpkin to put on my porch and that's about it. I really need to up my game. :) Congratulations on learning more about running the bookstore. I can't imagine how many moving parts there is with a venture like that! I'm laughing at the booktrovert meme as I am definitely one myself. Thanks for hosting us here!

  6. Your house looks so pretty! Congrats on learning ALL THE THINGS pertaining to your new job ;). Enjoy your time away!!

  7. Yay for the bookkeeping side of things going well this week. I'm sure as you get the hang of it each week it will get easier and easier. I just read 3 books this week that are all getting tossed onto my October list since I just hit "publish" on my September book post Monday and didn't want to rework it. LOL I figure no one really care WHEN I read the book.

  8. As much as I love summer, I have learned to love and appreciate fall as well so I am enjoying seeing pumpkins everywhere and the leaves changing colors :)

  9. Looks like a great month! Enjoy your trip! Blessings, Pam

  10. Love the pictures of all the fall decorations :) I posted Sunday but just got back over here to comment, LOL! I hope you are enjoying your time away and now I am off to see what you read ;)

  11. The fall decor is really cute, Jennifer. I'm glad you're learning things that are making your job at the bookstore easier.

  12. Thanks, Lisa! Your comment made me laugh out loud. I've felt like that in the past about our decorations, some of them are so old. I'm so glad you joined in with us!

  13. Thank you, Jennifer! I'm glad to this for everyone...I love it myself!

  14. Holly, I'm so glad to hear you're embracing the fall season! Has it showed up at your area yet?


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog!

Wednesday Hodgepodge

  Happy Wednesday, friends! I'm linking up with  Joyce over at From This Side of the Pond  for today's post. I'll jump right in!...