Saturday, February 24, 2024

February Share 4 Somethings


Happy Saturday, friends and welcome to this month's Share 4 Somethings, where we talk about some things we loved or disliked, accomplished, improved upon or something that needs improvement, and noticed this month. I'm so glad you're here! 


I have loved the warmer days of February! Why do these feel so different (better) than the ones in January that feel gross? Is it perspective? Psychological? As in, we're getting closer to spring, so it's more acceptable? Please enlighten me. I've loved that the sun is setting a little later each day, that the wind blowing feels like a balm when I walk outside, and that spring is coming! Who am I??? I used to not love spring, but it's become dear to me. The new life growing in the earth and on the trees reminds me of the new life that we have in Jesus! It feels fresh, which you know I love. 


I don't really think I accomplished anything great, but the more that time goes on, the better I get with working outside of home. I'm coming into routines at work, and I love the way that feels. I have certain days that I do for certain things; for instance, Thursdays are all about the finances and catching up on purchase orders, spreadsheet details, balancing, reconciling, and anything else that needs to get done each week. (In case you don't already know, I took over as the bookstore manager in the bookstore that my church has inside of it, Cornerstone Bookstore and Cafe. And by manager, I mean one and only employee.) 

Inside of our home, I accomplished a lot in that it stays marginally clean and picked up, and that it's not falling apart at the seams. 🤣 Oh! And I washed our sheets yesterday. That's something! 

Improved upon

I've improved upon my eating this week. In case you missed it this week, after seeing a few pounds I'd lost slowly creep back on, something snapped me out of my trance and I've become disciplined again. I even did well with the church feeding us lunch yesterday! My favorite local restaurant catered a meal for us: it was salad, smoked pork tenderloin, mashed potatoes, green beans with onions, rolls, and dessert. I only ate the salad, the meat, and the green beans, and I was proud of myself. I had zero regrets afterward, which was nice, and I felt really full, though I didn't eat that much. It's funny how fast things change when you get back on track. 

I have not made this salad above, but doesn't it look scrumptious?! That shrimp on top makes my mouth water just by looking at this picture. My friend Christy does the Optavia diet/coaching/whatever the correct terminology is, and she shared this picture this week. I saved it so that I can try it one night for our dinner. 


I have noticed that the buttercups here are popping up all over the place! I love seeing those grow at this time of year, it's a sure sign that spring is coming. 

My friend shared this on her Facebook page this week. Aren't these lovely? 

I'm so glad you linked up with me today! Thanks for doing that each month! I always love reading your posts and hope that you take the time to read and comment on some of the others. The more you read and comment, the more that happens on your own blog. Thanks for reading today, friends. Love to all! 

P.s. I'll keep the link open until March 3rd, so you have plenty of time to join us! 

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  1. I enjoyed reading your post. Love all the photos inside your home. Each pop of color looks so springy.

  2. Daffodils, oh wow! What a glorious sight for these New England eyes. A beautiful way to start this gray weekend ...

  3. That salad does looks amazing! Yeah for signs of spring- it can't come fast enough :)

  4. All good stuff! I am going to try to prep some healthy stuff today - spinach, mushrooms, onions, for omelettes and pizza bowls - trying the one with cottage cheese I think!
    I'm also putting up my minimal St. Pat's decor because March is Friday! I feel the exact same - the light in the evenings, the warmer weather, even the breeze makes me happy. Wearing a lighter coat or no coat!

  5. Good for you for eating well this week! I am enjoying the signs of new life with spring. It is encouraging, but I am not ready for the bugs.

  6. That salad looks amazing. I got all the sheets cleaned this week too and that does feel like such an accomplishment while keeping up on laundry.

  7. Some really pretty photos of your home! Congrats for holding it all together:) I don't think I have heard daffodils called buttercups - cute!! And yes I sure sign of spring!! Hooray!

  8. The daffodils are beaoutiful and good for you for getting back on the healthy eating...I need to do that. Love the big heart painting. How cheery. I think we notice weather and nature more as we age. I'm not sure why but I suspect we start viewing time as a wheel rather than a line so the celebration of another season feels bigger than it used to...but I don't really know.

  9. I've tried and tried to like kale but nope, it's just not happening.

  10. Thank you, Cathy! I love the color, too. I'm ready for Spring!

  11. Linda, right? I felt the same when I saw them!

  12. Holly, I think it looks amazing too! I want to try it soon.

  13. Amy, YES! I got some more cottage cheese and toppings for mine this week. I can't wait to try them! I love being able to dress in lighter weight clothing at this time of year, too. Even today, it was cooler, but I was fine with just long sleeves. I hope you enjoyed your Saturday!

  14. Marilyn, thanks! I am glad that I made it almost through the first week; that's always the hardest. I'm not ready for bugs either!

  15. Joanne, right?! That's the best feeling: clean sheets and freshly made bed. I think it helps me to sleep better!

  16. Jennifer, that made me laugh! I'm far from that, but you know what I mean. I love hearing them called buttercups! It's very Southern.

  17. Thanks, Lydia! That "painting" is actually a free framed screensaver on YouTube. You should try it out sometime! What you said makes sense...we do seem to certainly appreciate things more as we age.

  18. Pamela, I wouldn't say it's my favorite, but I think I won't mind it in this salad. Here's to hoping!

  19. I love the photos you share of your home and how you decorate - it's actually quite inspiring! I'm happy that the days are getting longer, because we've almost reached the point where I don't have to drive DIRECTLY into the sunrise or sunset on my commute!

  20. I enjoy the warmer winter days too. I love all your decor.

  21. Thank you, Kym! I love to decorate and use bright pops of color throughout our home. That is a nice thing to not have anymore!

  22. The shrimp in that photo look amazing, Jennifer. Good for you to jump right back into eating better ... there's no time like the present to do what's good for us, right? :-) I'm still working on my post but hope to get it linked up tomorrow.

  23. I am seeing a theme of getting back on track and eating right. We always feel better when we get back on track, but it is not easy. I love spring. I love seeing what once was dead come back to life, it reminds me of God's faithfulness. Have a great week!

  24. Wow, all those signs of spring are awesome. I honestly thought buttercups were another kind of flower. I heard some of my staff mention daffodils here too but I think they aren't blooming yet. That is, if they are, nature is truly out of order, since we normally don't get those until April.

    Good for you on eating healthier!

  25. Hi Jen, I enjoyed hearing about your month. Thanks bunches for hosting us each month and for your welcoming hospitality.

  26. Love the daffodils! We took a walk tonight and saw some in our neighborhood too! Spring is getting closer!


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Wednesday Hodgepodge

  Happy Wednesday, friends! I'm linking up with  Joyce over at From This Side of the Pond  for today's post. I'll jump right in!...