Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Currently: the March edition


Happy Wednesday, friends! I'm glad you're here again this month! Today we'll be talking about what we're currently loving, looking forward to, planning, wearing, and eating. 


I am currently loving my favorite hobby of reading. I know that sounds strange for me to say, but sometimes I go through phases where I don't read all that much; maybe that's because of being in a book rut or just watching too much TV in its place. I always start a new year with making a goal to read more, and I've been able to do that so far in 2024. I'm reading book number seventeen of the year already, and I'm almost finished with it; I'm excited for the one I have waiting on deck. 

I'm also loving the longer hours of daylight we've been having! I've talked about before how we live in a smart home; this just means that most of our things in the house are controlled by outlets that Todd bought and that we can control on our phones. When he goes to bed each night, he says, "Goodnight, Google", and everything in the house turns off. The reason I mention this is because our front porch light is controlled by one such outlet, and he recently set it to turn the porch light on every night at dusk. I noticed that it used to come on around 5:40 in the evenings, but lately it's started coming on later, right up until six or a few minutes after. (We even have our Christmas tree plugged into a smart outlet, so I can tell Google to turn the Christmas tree on, and she lights right up! It's amazing.)

I am loving hearing stories from my Jonah. He told me a sweet one yesterday! For Valentine's day, he bought his girlfriend a weighted stuffed animal; did you know those exist? I did not, but she loves the 5 pound weighted dog he picked out for her. Her cousins live with them at their house, and her little six year old cousin fell in love with the dog Jonah bought for her, so he kept trying to sneak into her room to take it out. Well, on Monday Aimes had his tonsils removed, and Jonah bought him his own weighted stuffed animal to have and cuddle with as he recovers. He woke up to it in his bed with him this morning, since Laura snuck it in to him while he was sleeping last night. He also told me that anytime Jonah goes out to their house, Aimes likes to sit in his lap while he plays on his little handheld video game. Isn't that the sweetest? My heart melted over all of this, but more than that, I was so proud of my boy as I heard him tell me this. He's not perfect by any means, but he's such a good boyfriend and a great all around guy! 

Looking forward to

I'm really looking forward to each day that I'm living in. I try to be like this all the time and not look too far ahead, because I don't want to wish away my life. I take each day as it comes, I thank the Lord for it, and I try to squeeze some joy out from it no matter what I'm doing. Part of this is just how I am all the time: an eternal optimist. The other thing is that it's good for us to be this way; it's good for our emotional and mental wellbeing. I really do try to practice the art of gratitude each day, and I think doing that helps me in this. Are you this way? I know that this trait would probably bug the daylights out of some of you, and I try not to be obnoxious in this because of that. I try to be sensitive to the feelings of people I'm around when I'm with them if they don't share this trait. 


This week I'm planning a family dinner to celebrate some birthdays in our family! I'll do a little deck refresh one day this week to freshen things up outside, and Todd is going to make a repair to the lights that hang on the deck. Our ridiculous squirrels are destructive and chew through wires! It's so annoying. I'm also planning the dinner portion of the night and trying to come up with a plan on what to have. I have a couple of ideas rolling around in my mind, though, and the weather is supposed to be nice. I always think people might enjoy going out there, but honestly, they usually just stay inside. 


Would you believe that I've already been wearing sandals? I got a pedicure Saturday with this in mind! It doesn't matter what time of year it is, when it's warm enough for sandals, I wear them. I do need to order some new ones soon, but for now I'm wearing the same ones from last season. 

See? This was one day at work last week; the weather was in the mid seventies! 


I've been eating some delicious things lately, but as far as cooking goes, I'm in a bit of a rut. I made Todd and me this cauliflower pizza on Monday night, and it was delicious! I smeared a small amount of alfredo sauce on the bottom, then sprinkled on mozzarella cheese, pepperoni, bacon, parmesan, spinach, nutmeg, salt, garlic powder, and red pepper flakes. 

If you have some good dinner suggestions for us, feel free to send them my way! I'm always in need of new things to try. I need to look at some healthy eating websites as well. 

Thanks for joining up with me today for this fun link party! I can't wait to read your posts. Don't forget to visit some of the others who are linked up and leave them some comment love! Love to all. 

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  1. How funny, you guys are getting more daylight and wearing sandals. While over here our days are getting shorter and I've been wearing jeans! I love how you live in the moment instead of looking too far ahead. That's exactly what I have been doing lately and it sure makes me a whole lot less stressed! The cauliflower pizza looks so delicious! Thanks so much for hosting this fun link-up Jennifer!

  2. I like how you talked about the book that you have on deck (to read next) and then you showed a picture of you sitting on your deck with a book. Not sure if that was intentional or not but I liked it! Your pizza looks yummy! I love homemade pizza but I use a regular, unhealthy (though homemade) crust. The weighted stuff animal story was neat. I did not know weighted stuffed animals existed but it tracks, I guess, with the weighted blanket phenomenon. Have a great Wednesday!

  3. I really thought that pizza was from a restaurant! How did you do the crust? That leads me to think a "white pizza" bowl would also be delicious!
    All good stuff for you Currently!
    I have so many ideas for your big meal - I'm big on bars - taco bar, baked potato bar with pulled pork, pasta bar - I guess I would try to think of fave foods of the bday people?

  4. Thanks for hosting! That's so great to hear about your reading thus far! Way to go! And what a sweet story about your son -- thank you for sharing it. While I don't really wear sandals, I do ditch my socks as soon as it gets warmer and I've been so happy to leave them at home a few times this past month. While that's unusual for us in February, I am trying to embrace it.

    And yes, my son is in Grade 9 and time is flying by. I'm trying to enjoy every moment rather than wishing them away.

  5. Ruth, that always makes me laugh when I think about our different seasons and weather. It's amazing to think about, right? Thanks for your sweet words about looking forward to everyday; it really does make such a difference in our moods and outlooks!

  6. Maria, leave it to you to find that! That wasn't intentional, but it is really funny! I didn't know stuffed and weighted animals existed either, but they're popular right now. He found the one for her cousin at Target, but hers he ordered from Amazon. They're expensive!

  7. Thanks, Amy! It was delicious. The crust came from Kroger, and I just followed the package instructions. I like bars, tool; that may be something I end up doing. I'll get their thoughts!

  8. Thanks, Natasha! I love this link party and think it's fun, too. Isn't it nice to dress lighter as the weather warms up? I love it and have enjoyed it thoroughly! That's the only way to live, in my humble opinion. Have a great day!

  9. Thanks for hosting this fun link up. Wow, you have read a lot of books this year already! I can't wait for warmer weather this spring and wearing sandals. I hope you enjoy the rest of the week.

  10. I LOVE that you are wearing sandals- I am breaking out my first pair on Friday night- I thought hey it's going to be 50- spring is here! ;)

  11. Yea for sandals! I'm also a pretty optimistic person and try to stay positive even when things aren't going my way. Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday. Thanks for the fun link up!

  12. Ah, I so wish I was already wearing sandals!! But, it will not be long! Your birthday dinner (one the deck even!) sounds perfect! Won't be long and we will be eating out back too! WOO HOO!

  13. Your pizza looks good! I haven't made the transition to the open toed shoes yet. I like my winter shoes much better, so I hang on to those a little longer :). More daylight is coming our way! Gratitude is always a good thing and you are such an inspiration for this.

  14. I'm the same way with sandals; I'll wear them any time of year as long as it's warm out. That cauliflower pizza looks incredible.

  15. Great post and thanks for hosting! I got a late start this morning but my post is finally up.

  16. Julie, thanks for joining us this month!

  17. Holly-

    YEAH, BABY! I mean, it's practically spring weather for you, right?!

  18. Tanya, that doesn't surprise me in the least! I think it's an important trait. I hope you're having a great week!

  19. Jennifer, won't that be lovely? I hope your weather turns warm soon!

  20. Thanks for that, Marilyn! You should try this kind of pizza. The Kroger brand of cauliflower crust is delicious, and I just follow the package instructions on baking.

  21. Joanne, YES! I love that you're the same. You should try it sometime!

  22. Thanks, Pamela! I'm glad you joined us, my friend!

  23. I pulled out my sandals this week too! Didnt even get a pedicure - wore them with NO CARES LOL
    I totally get the reading ups & downs & LOVE when I'm on a roll. Nice weather always spurs me on where I can sit out in the sun & relax with a book

  24. I'm so happy for longer days and a bit more sunshine too! I love your answer for Looking Forward. I am much the same way, trying to always be fully enjoying and living in the here and now instead of focused on the past or the future. I like having something coming up that I'm anticipating, but I don't "live" there. Unfortunately that tendency probably contributed to my very difficult 2023, because I felt like there wasn't much to be happy about each day, and the things to look forward to seemed very far away. I'm grateful that God brought me through and I'm better balanced now. :-)

  25. Rebecca Jo, that's the best: wearing sandals for the first time in a season. I am like you and always appreciate good times with reading!

  26. Kym, thanks for sharing that! I'm so glad to hear that you're doing better now with that perfect balance in your own life. I hope your week has been good!

  27. I'm planning a pedicure next week so I can start with the sandals :)

  28. Hi Jennifer - I like your new blog design! Thanks for keeping the link open all month so the less punctual can still participate. Enjoy the spring weather!


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Wednesday Hodgepodge

  Happy Wednesday, friends! I'm linking up with  Joyce over at From This Side of the Pond  for today's post. I'll jump right in!...