Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Currently: the happy May edition


Happy Wednesday, and happy MAY!! I'm so excited that it's this time of year and that summer is so close that I can almost taste it! I love this time of year. Welcome to this month's edition of Currently where  we're talking about the things we're currently loving, looking forward to, seeing, reading, and wanting. I'm so glad you're here and I'm excited to read all of your posts in the days to come! 

Loving: I am loving that this week is flying by, since it is one in which I've been way more busy than usual. Today I am finalizing all of my prep for tomorrow and Friday by going to Sam's and ordering all the things these young leaders may want. I literally was up every hour Monday night thinking about things I had to do for this! I'm not overwhelmed or nervous, but I just don't want to forget anything, you know? On Monday I talked to my friend from work who's helping me no less than three times. I think she's more worried than I am; I just figure that it is what it is, and there's no need to stress, right? 

I am loving my Monday's off from work! Remember me asking for prayer for my friend about eight weeks ago, whose young son (21) died tragically? I had lunch with her yesterday; it was so good to see her, and to be able to talk and catch up. I've missed seeing her at our church, so we're going to keep this up each month so that we can stay in touch better. I was going to go into work after lunch, but my Drew called me and asked if I was at home, so I hightailed it back home in time to make him lunch for a surprise visit. He was close by and was sent home because of weather, so he came home to eat and to grocery shop in our pantry. I love doing this for him! 

How cute is the new restaurant we met at for lunch? The food was delicious! 

Looking forward to: Friday afternoon, around one o'clock. 🤣 My work week will be over! I'll have a quiet night at home, because Todd will be working a huge event here in Memphis, the Music Fest. Both he and Graham are so excited for their favorite event of the year! I will be beat and watching movies from the comfort of my chair. I can't wait! But also? I'm looking forward to the first swim of the season, too. I ordered a new swimsuit and coverup that I can't wait to receive. I'll link it here if I love it! 

Seeing: I'm currently looking out my living room windows and seeing sunshine after a dreary Monday. That's always nice to see! I'm also seeing a few things that I'd like to do in the living room, and I'm thinking of rearranging the furniture just a tiny bit. I may only do this so that it's not so crowded on one side of the room; Chloe's kennel is huge and it's too much right next to our long couch. I feel confident that I will do this soon; I may even surprise Todd and do it by myself this weekend while he works! It'll give me a chance to deep clean as well. We'll see...

Reading: I'm reading a book that was popular a year or two ago that is really good so far, The Maid by Nita Prose. I'll be sharing about the books I read in April tomorrow, so come back and join us for our new link party!

Wanting: I'm wanting to take a trip with Todd. We're in the beginning stages of discussing where we'd like to go and how we'd like to travel to get there. I don't know that it'll happen before summer of 2025, but we're talking and hoping to start making plans soon. It's fun to dream up places we want to go! I don't know that he will be able to travel at all during this summer, since he'll be new on his job with the state of Tennessee. 

Thanks for linking up with me today! I can't wait to read all of your posts. Love to all!

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  1. I am praying today and this week goes well for you. I know you will enjoy a quiet night at home after all the work activity.

    1. Thank you! I feel the prayers and have yet to become overwhelmed. I have a pretty good grasp on things regarding quantities and paperwork to keep up with. The Lord has helped me through every step!

  2. It is great that your stress level seems pretty low in light of your big work event- I hope it stays that way. I hope your trips plans pan out- I want to take a trip with Donnie as well. Not sure if it will happen this fall when we are officially empty nesters or not but I hope so :).

    1. Thank you! I keep thanking God for that, because it's definitely not my normal. I hope that you get take that trip!

  3. Too much to comment on -ha! It sounds like your week is downhill at this point and I'm sure the event will be great as you have put much thought into it! I am off on Friday so I feel like my week is also on autopilot at this point. I have a 3 day weekend! Everyone will be into Derby around here but I am just going to be all about my family, the pup, and trying to add some flowers/spruce up the patios, I hope.

    1. I think it is on the downhill slope, now that it's here! I know it'll just be incredibly busy, but I feel like I'm pretty well prepared for that. The takeaway is that considering this is a Christian based conference, most of the people should be kind if they have to wait or if things go wrong. It's a first for all of us, since we've never hosted this large of an event! It's really exciting too, since we're not considered a "mega" church like the one in Memphis that gets the bookings for these types of events. Hopefully our small staff (in comparison to that church in Memphis) more than makes up for anything we may lack in love and friendliness. It seems to be off to a great start as I met a small group of them yesterday; they were so very gracious and appreciative of what I had to offer. This weekend sounds AMAZING! I'm so glad you'll have that three day break!

  4. It sounds like you have been so busy.
    So sorry about your friend losing her son, it's good that you can be a support to her.
    I am looking around my living room thinking I need to have a good tidy up. Why do kids leave things just laying around. lol

    1. Thanks, Kim! I cannot imagine her loss and hope to be a good friend to her who prays for her. I feel that last sentence!

  5. Ohhh I can' t wait to see what you and Todd decide on- so fun! :)

    1. Me too! 🤣 We've had fun tossing around some ideas.

  6. That is a great way to view the next few days! I'm sure that chair and a movie will feel so good after all your hard work. I hope you and your husband manage a gateway soon. I do find planning and dreaming about vacations to be so much fun.

    1. Thanks, friend! It sure will; hopefully the rain won't happen, but even if it does, I know I'll get some time next week.

  7. Great post! Sounds like trip planning is on the agenda for several of us. I love the planning; the anticipation is half the fun!

    1. Thanks, Pamela! I love the planning part, too; you are so right!

  8. Friday at 1:00 - its just around the corner!! Hope you enjoy your quiet time:) And your planning. I love planning!!

    1. I made it to one on Friday! I actually walked out of work today at 1:15, and I've never been so excited for a cool shower and comfy clothes. 🤣 Of course you love the planning! We are two peas in a pod.


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