Thursday, May 16, 2024

Thankful Thursday


Happy Thursday, friends! I'm so glad you're here today and that a few of you link up each week. Do you practice thankfulness all week long on your own? I'm just curious. I am still in the habit of doing that, thanks to my best friend and the journal she bought me to write in.


I love having one space to use for this for now; I'll probably purchase another journal when I'm finished using this one. 

Here are a few things I've been thankful for this week:

  • my husband who helps me with all the things

  • early mornings and new mercies
  • friends who encourage and point me to Jesus
  • Book Club friends
  • friends who are younger than me either in years or in raising kids

My sweet younger friend Rachel, who just had a baby and let me hold him and love on him Sunday while she warmed up a bottle for him.

My beautiful friend Jenna, who is around my age but whose kids are a lot younger than mine. Her oldest is a junior in high school.

My young friend Emma, who my son Drew used to date. I have loved this girl for a very long time, and I always will! I'm also thankful for new friends that other friends introduce me too, for dinner out on Friday with my young friend Holly (the one I met for coffee a couple of weeks ago), and for lunch plans on Saturday with a new friend that I just met and connected with last week. 

Amen! I love what Proverbs 27:17 says: Iron sharpens iron, and one person sharpens another. 

  • the gift of prayer

  • the gift of words from my people

  • my pastor
  • that Todd is loving his new job that he started this week
  • a late night of reading
  • good sleep
  • a fun day at work yesterday
  • a delicious lunch at work today to honor a friend on staff who's moving to NC at the end of this month
  • singing in choir on Sunday again (my pastor even commented on this Tuesday, which made me want to cry)
  • choir practice last night (we're having a night of worship on Sunday night of this week and I'm singing with them again)
  • the gift of worship

What are you thankful for this week? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all!

Jenn 🩷

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  1. Aw, those cards are so sweet! I rarely get any sort of cards from my guys; they will remember to buy gifts but never cards.

    1. I thought so too, Joanne. They know me really, really well and know that I always prefer words over things. They do usually buy me candy, though...but this year they bought me actual things I either love or will use. I got two bouquets of flowers (both very different from the other), my favorite type of wood wick candle, and a gift card to Chick Fil A. I was so surprised! I honestly prefer cards over anything, though, because words matter to me and I hang onto them forever (both literally and figuratively).

  2. I'm so glad to hear that you are singing in the choir again...I know how you love it. I miss the days when my hubby was a music minister and I got to sing in the choir. Those are some great memories.

    1. Thanks, Cathy! It felt amazing to be singing with them again. I'm really looking forward to Sunday night and singing with them once a month!

  3. Oh SO MUCH to be thankful for! You have the kindest and most appreciative men in your life-you are certainly blessed as are they! XO

    1. Thank you, Holly! I think they are very kind and appreciative. I'm proud to be their mom! xoxo

  4. What a full thankful list and I know you must enjoy singing again! Enjoy your lunch this weekend!

  5. How wonderful that your hubbie is enjoying his new job! And that he helps with all the things:) A special list this many friends! What a blessing. Here's to a wonderful weekend ahead!!

    1. Thank you, Jennifer! I am so glad he is loving his new job. I hope you enjoyed your weekend!

  6. So many blessings! Sweet cards. Mine said "In nature, a mother bird feeds her young by regurgitating partially digested food directly into their mouths....thanks for making me sandwiches instead!"

    1. Pamela, I'm shocked I didn't get any like that! I have in the past; the last few years they've been giving me the ones that make me cry. Well, except for one; Drew always gives me a funny one! I wouldn't have it any other way!

  7. I write down every day something that I am grateful for, that's the same as thankfulness. Even on the bad days there is always something good in them.
    What lovely things to be thankful for. It sounds like you have some amazing friends.

    1. Yes, Kim, I love that! It's such a great thing to do every day. It really does change the way think about things!


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