Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Currently: the June 2024 edition


Happy Wednesday, friends! Welcome to this month's edition of Currently. We'll be talking about what we're currently loving, looking forward to, enjoying, seeing, and lounging around in. (In July we'll be talking about what we're currently loving, looking forward to, savoring, celebrating, and remembering.)

Loving: There are so many things to love in the summer time! Here are a few of my top favorites.

I've been loving that I can just walk across the street to swim! This has been such a blessing to us for several reasons: one, it's kept Jonah busy in the sense that he needed to be busy when his twin brother moved to Dallas. Two, it's been so wonderful to have a place right here to swim on those really hot, icky days. Three, it's been nice to work on my tan for an hour at a time, here and there. I've been doing that since mid May! I'm thankful that I don't burn; I am diligent with sunscreen, and I reapply often.

This felt amazing on Sunday, when it was so hot. I've been loving exercising in it a lot recently! 

I've been loving my summer scented candles from Walmart! Did I mention that I joined Walmart+? I did; it's been worth every penny, and it's been saving my sanity for over a month now. Life has been busy, and I've been having to adjust my cooking quantities and the frequency in which I make full meals during the week. (Noah moved away, Graham and Jonah are rarely home for dinner, Drew comes around only every couple of weeks, and Todd has a new job that has him working four week nights in a row.)

I've been loving my neon nails! Go big or go home, right? 

Looking forward to: Honestly, I've just been savoring this stage in life, and I've been looking forward to waking up each and everyday. I am still getting the best sleep of my life, and I'm up everyday almost in the four o'clock hour; Monday I slept in until 5:30 (I did the same last Saturday), but I love being up and at 'em so early every morning! I credit the Lord with all of this, because I love spending extra time in His word on those mornings when I'm up before the birds. Also, you should come back on Saturday and read the second installment of my new series, The Cozy Chronicles. I'll be talking about my morning routine and why/how I've started waking up so early each day. 

Enjoying: I've been enjoying the quality time I've had with my husband lately, and the one on one conversations I've been having with my sons. I've been enjoying that they like to text me about things regarding how they're feeling, or that they Snapchat me funny pictures and videos. I've been enjoying that a couple of them like to call me as they drive somewhere, and I drop whatever I'm doing and take the call, no matter what it is that I'm in the middle of. Family always trumps everything! 

I love them the most.

Seeing: I've been seeing some beautiful sights around town and our home! 

Lounging around in: I'm currently lounging around in my comfy clothes that I only wear when I'm at home. Because people are in and our of our home so often (my favorite!), I wear leggings and t-shirts as my "pajamas", which they're really not, so I call them my comfy clothes. 

Here's the proof of this: I come home and change, and I immediately put my hair up like this, because it's been so hot. 

I can't wait to read your posts today! Don't forget to leave some comment love on one or a few of the others that are joining in with us. 

Did you know that I host or co-host several other link parties? Every week, I host a link-up called Thankful Thursday, where I share from my gratitude journal. Every last Saturday of the month, I host Share 4 Somethings; in 2024, we talk about the things we loved/disliked, accomplished, improved upon/needs improvement, and noticed. The prompts stay the same all year long, unlike this Currently series, when they change from month to month. And on the first Thursday of each month, I co-host a series with Joanne, Marilyn and Tanya called Share Your Shelf, where we talk about the books we've read lately. I'd love to have you join in with us for one of those or all of those! Here are the graphics for each one, in the order I listed them.

I'll keep this open for two weeks, for anyone who wants to join in a little late. I'm so glad you joined us today! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all!

Jenn 🖤

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  1. I love seeing all your bright, warm summer pics. It's so gloomy, cold and cloudy over here, and reading about your Summer days by the pool makes me feel happy!

    1. Thanks, Ruth! I know you miss the sunshine and warmth when it's not that time of year. I'm so glad you linked up with us today!

  2. All those flowers are so lovely! Your loungewear sounds a like like mine... though admittedly not the ones I showcased on the blog today.

    1. I think so too! I love seeing them all over the place this time of year. I loved the ones you shared about today!

  3. Wow I definitely agree about the beautiful sights around your town- amazing!

    1. Thank you! I feel so fortunate to live in such a pretty area, especially with how beautiful our town square is!

  4. I kind of want to hear more about your Walmart Plus membership! I did it last June and thought it made me spend more but honestly, I don't think I realized how much groceries had gone up!
    It sounds like you are maximizing your time at home and really living your best life.
    Also, that pool deal is mutually beneficial it seems! Love that!

    1. I'll share about it soon! Maybe I'll write another bonus post this week. I do think that groceries have gone up AGAIN, and I was tired of spending $200 plus at Kroger each week; they have gotten so expensive, it seems! Every little bit that I save with Walmart makes a difference. Thank you! I feel like I'm in my groove right now, and you know I don't say this lightly; I'm so thankful for this! It's crazy to think I'm coming up on my one year work anniversary; I started unofficially in the second to last week of July in 2023 and officially took over at the beginning of August. Yet another thing I'm thankful for -- that I didn't quit when it was hard. I almost quit a few times, and cried several times over the money thing; my friend Amy is the one who helped me through it all, though, and even still explains things in a way that she knows makes more sense to me.

      I'm excited to use their pool again when they go out of town again!

  5. Grown kids are so much fun. We don't talk about that enough. I love your hydrangea pics. The deer got to most of ours before we realized it and somehow they are blooming, but only on the top of the plants. It looks funny but the flowers are still pretty. Next year we'll put some wire around them early. On the bright side, those baby deer are the absolute cutest! See you in the book post tomorrow!

    1. You are so right, and I wholeheartedly agree! Thanks for the hydrangea love; I'm sorry to read about yours, but talk about making the best of things...I am sure those baby deer are precious! I'm so glad you'll be linking up with us tomorrow!

  6. Your nail color is so fun for summer!

  7. The pool does sound wonderful. It's good that it has kept Jonah busy.
    It is hard to adjust how many you are cooking for. I struggle to keep track of my family and who is eating what and when. I always end up cooking too much.
    I can't wait to read how you started waking up so early. I need some tips for that. lol
    I always have leggings and t-shirts on when I am at home. They are so comfy.

    1. It is hard to adjust to a different normal! I have kind of given up, honestly, and whoever wants to eat here, great; and if not, more leftovers for me.

  8. The flowers are gorgeous! I also love neon nails. I rarely do anything else.. if I'm going to bother with polish, it's gotta be neon. Thank you for hosting!

    1. Thank you, Kristin! I am so glad I'm not the only one. I'm glad I get to host this each month!

  9. That's so good to know about the Walmart subscription. I haven't done that yet. I need to go see the flowers on the square. They look so pretty!

    1. You should go to one of the summer concerts on the square! I think it starts tomorrow night. I don't usually go anymore (too hot for me), but I used to and they're fun!

  10. That looks like a great place to relax and swim! And those hydrangeas are so pretty!

  11. Thank you so much for hosting Jennifer! I love the hydrangeas and I wish our pool was just across the street! I'd be there all the time!

    1. I'm glad you linked up with us, Natasha, and I'm glad to host this each month. How wonderful would that be to have one like this all the time?

  12. The pool deal is so nice! I really do miss our pool a lot, although not the maintenance and expense. I just need to get in the habit of going to the neighborhood pool. It is only about 1/2 a mile away and very nice. Even though it's close I drive because it's so hot! The flowers in your town are stunning! I also have Walmart+ and need to take advantage of it more. I use it more for the free shipping than the grocery delivery. Walmart is definitely cheaper than Kroger in our area. Our local grocery store HEB is pretty competitive with Walmart. Hope you're having a good week!

    1. I totally see how you wouldn't miss the work and expense of a pool! It's nice that we've been able to use theirs so often recently. I would drive that distance as well in the heat! Thank you for that, our town employees do an incredible job of keeping up with the beauty of our town. The free shipping is great with Walmart+! I am such a huge fan. I hope you've having a great week too!

  13. love your reading your posts... I miss blogging... so every now and then I hop over to yours to check it out. How many of your boys live at home now? Do you have 4 boys?

  14. That pool . . . those flowers . . . beautiful, and both say "summer" so well! I haven't been to the pool yet but I think it will feel warm enough to start going this weekend. That's so wonderful that your boys stay in touch with those messages and calls. :-) I love when my kids call or message just because they want to tell me about their day. It's the best.


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Friday Favorites; the Galentine's day edition (2.14.2025.)

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