Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Currently (August 2024)


Happy Wednesday, friends, and welcome to the August edition of Currently! I'm so glad you're here today and that you're linking up with me. I will jump in with what I'm currently loving, looking forward to, scheduling, buying, and gearing up for


I am currently loving Archer Marsh; I like to listen to his music first thing every morning, because it's instrumental and chill. That's been what I've been doing lately, waking up and turning on music while I read blogs. 

I am loving this little "peace to all who enter" sign that I brought home from Dad's. 

Looking forward to 

Do I even have to say it again? I'm looking forward to fall. I'm also looking forward to the weekend, and next week, and the following weekend. It feels good to be able to look forward to things again. 


I've been scheduling trips, one in September (and another in October), and I am excited about going! My friends and I are going to Dallas from Thursday to Saturday for a weekend getaway next month. Noah will be in a rental house by then, and I'm looking forward to seeing it and also seeing him in his new environment. In October I am flying to Denver for five nights. I was supposed to go back in July, but then my dad died, so I used the credit I had from that cancellation to apply to this trip, and I only had to pay an extra $14. I'm excited to go in the fall again! Colorado in the fall is so beautiful! 


I've been buying groceries again! My sweet friends from church have been feeding the boys and me for the past five weeks. I've never been so grateful for friends! That being said, it feels good to be cooking again, and buying the things I need to do so. 

This is my new favorite thing, by the way, and it's from Costco. Have you had this? It's delicious!

Gearing up for

I am gearing up for the return of a normal schedule at work. The summer is great and all, but I am ready to have our church filled with people again. It's been a long (and very drawn out) summer; I am ready for Bible studies to start back! I know my teacher friends may not feel the same way as I do, but I hope we can still be friends. This is an old picture from when I was helping write Bible studies for women; it's been a minute since I've had the chance to really deeply study and dig into the original language of the passage I was writing on. I hope to get back to this soon! I have some plans for my next writing project...

In September we'll talk about what we're currently loving, looking forward to, smelling, watching, and admiring. Thanks for linking up with me here today! I'm excited to read your posts. Love to all! 

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  1. I love the "Peace To All" sign from your dad. It’s so colourful and must bring back happy memories every time you see it. Hope you have a fantastic day, Jennifer, and thanks for hosting this fun link-up!

    1. Thanks, Ruth! I love it too, and it brings a smile to my face every time I look at it. Thank you, friend! I hope you have a wonderful day as well!

  2. Yay! I love all these answers & so glad you have trips planned!

    1. Thanks, friend! I hope you've enjoyed your time away the last few days. I am so thankful to have trips planned for the fall, especially the one in October. I need to be out of town for a specific date on the calendar for that month, and if I'm there and busy, I won't have time to be too sad.

  3. I'm not mad at you. There is beauty and joy in the more regularity that fall brings (that kinda sounded like being regular in the bathroom department!). What are the Kodiak products you bought? I have tried the avocado salsa from Trader Joe's. It's delish and great on a burrito bowl! I am so happy for your two trips planned! What a fun way to see Noah and Dallas. Are you going to go to McKinney?

    1. I'm so glad we're still friends! You're right, and that is why I like fall. I always craved routine when I homeschooled my boys; after a relaxing summer, I was dying for structure again! I bought some protein bars for Graham; I eat them too, though. He also buy their pancake mix and makes pancakes for breakfast almost every weekend when he's home. That salsa is amazing! It would be delicious on eggs, too. I am actually staying in McKinney for that trip, because that's where he'll be living by then!

  4. It looks like your Fall will be active! That's good :) We don't have Costco here, so I don't get to try all the good stuff people find there. I'm ready for Fall too :) It's going to be 100 here today!

    1. I'm glad for a busy fall! I know you are ready for cooler temps. One hundred sounds miserable! It's been in the upper 90's here this week, but the week before the heat index was around 100-105 each day. UGH!

  5. Your trips sound fun! Colorado in the fall will be amazing, I imagine! I don´t shop at Costco; a Sam´s Club is much closer to our house so that where´s we do our bulk/trying out new products shopping. Etymology is so interesting- love that you have this Greek (I assume?) to English dictionary.

    1. Thank you! It is gorgeous there with all the Aspen trees at their peak in the month of October. I'm excited to get away at that time of year; I confess to needing to be out of town on a certain date in October, and that day will pass while I'm there. If I'm busy, I won't have time to be too sad. Hopefully, that'll be the case. I love etymology! Maybe that's why we're friends. This particular page is Greek, but in the first half it's Hebrew. I love studying and digging deep into the original languages!

  6. My heart is so happy reading this- you are doing it Mama- you got this and with JOY at the heart of it all XO

  7. That's great that you have some trips scheduled!

    1. I know! I am really excited about both of them. It feels wonderful and luxurious to have something to look forward to soon!

  8. I love Colorado in the fall! Or just fall in general!

    1. I do too! Those Aspen trees are breathtaking. Fall is my best time of year!

  9. Your fall sounds wonderful...Colorado and Texas and family in both! Okay, that cart of food looks like there is some interesting stuff there. I just got a membership to Sam's. It's been a long time since we shopped there, except in the last couple of months I've been there with my sister a few times and made the decision that I needed my own membership. I think I see a trip coming up with the next week or so. lol If the weather would stay like it is today (sunny, blue skies and 74 degrees), I wouldn't mind if fall stayed away a little longer. But I know it's August and the hot will be back fall, come on! lol

    1. I'm excited about the trips! I've thoroughly enjoyed the food I picked out there this week. I hope you get to go to Sam's soon! It's good to switch things up sometimes, just to get new things.

  10. Those sound like some fun trips!! I love fall too but I still want summer to last a little bit longer. I feel like I am always buying groceries...

  11. Avocado salsa sounds so good!

  12. Yep, the fall season is the best. I am looking forward to that and an end of hurricane season!

  13. That peace to all who enter sign is so pretty. What a lovely addition to your home. I am glad you have things to look forward to, the trips sound wonderful.

  14. I love that you are looking FORWARD and also have some trips to look forward to.

    1. Yes! I am trying to just look ahead and not back at this time in my life.

  15. The return of "normal schedules" is always a good matter what the season of life! Fall seems to bring a little of that normal back. That's great that you have some trips planned. I could really use a girls getaway right about now. And a $14 trip to Colorado..that would be sweet:)

    1. Yes! You are right about the fall season. Thanks for that! I hope you get to have a girls trip soon!

  16. I'm glad that you have so much to look forward to with all the upcoming travel plans - and of course, fall! I don't think I'm eager for fall yet, as I have a few more summery things that I really want to savor.

  17. I love that "Peace to all who enter here" sign. And how wonderful of your church to support you with all the food. Meals are such a tangible way to show love and care during hard times.


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Thankful Thursday

  Happy Thursday, friends! It feels like it's been a minute since I've shared a Thankful Thursday post, so this feels good to share ...