Thursday, August 12, 2010


Someone "Anonymous" has commented on a couple of my posts recently.  Who are you?  And why do you want to be "Anonymous"?  And if you are "Anonymous" and up to no good...then stay away from my blog, please.  Or at least comment in a way I can understand.  It came across as jibber jabber. 

However, if I am wrong and you just don't want to set up a blogger profile, then I'm sorry.  You asked me something in one of your comments, and I didn't get what you were asking. 

So, thank you. 

It's Thursday (my LEAST favorite day of the week!), and I can see the light at the end of my tunnel, otherwise known as the first week of school.  I may not be this happy NEXT Thursday, because kindergarten starts for real next week.  Lord, You know what Your word says in Colossians 3:12?  Will You please remind me of those things next week? 

Because, heaven help them, they are a clueless bunch.  Well, not really.  Not all of them are clueless, but a lot of them today sure were!  Whew.  I don't even want to start thinking about that yet.  But wouldn't it make sense for the kindergarten teachers to sit with their classes at lunch AT LEAST their first full week of school? 

It would to me, and as soon as they ask my opinion, I'll offer it. 

Unfortunately, I don't think that's going to happen. 

Instead, all the kindergarten kids come in on Monday and after going through the lunch line, they get left to us...only 6 of us for 120 (give or take some) kids.  And the 120 kids mentioned are only kindergarten kids.  There will also be another 120 (give or take a few) kids in there that are in the 3rd grade.  Good thing the 3rd graders are pretty independent.  See the dilemma? 

Oh, well. 

We'll survive.  Maybe.  Barely.  But we'll do it.  Maybe?

Yesterday was a very rough day for my Graham.  The worst kid in all of 5th grade from last year is stuck in Graham's homeroom and band class.  And he bullied Graham a little yesterday. 

If you're my friend on facebook, that's why I wanted to go all Bon Qui Qui yesterday.  Which, if you did see that and don't now, it's because I deleted it.  Because, really, I put it to be funny, but it wasn't funny.  And it started getting a little mean towards the end of the comments.  And working in the environment I work in...well, you just can't be too careful. 

We had an awesome devotion this morning (Graham and I), we prayed about the situation, and we prayed for the kid doing this and I am trusting God that today was a better day.  We also prayed for a friend of Graham's who's getting picked on.  It's too early to be starting all this.  We just want it special treatment, we just want to make sure it's handled effectively. 

Because we are SO not going down this road. 

Ok.  The end.  New subject.

Onto something new Esther Bible study is amazing.  Rocking my socks off.  I am actually having to keep myself from doing all the homework in one day.  I could very easily do JUST that.  It's amazing.  And it's not too late to join us if you're interested.  If you want to do that and need information, comment on here, facebook (if you're on there) or email me. 

Well, I need to run and go do some stuff.  We're having our annual back to school party tonight.  (Thank you, Kelly Riley, for that idea!)  We're having it at...

da da da dum....


We got an awesome coupon in the mail...all you can eat...unlimited games...all you can eat...and I know me some boys that LOVE some all you can eat. 

So we're gonna have fun.  In the meantime...y'all be blessed.  Love to all.

1 comment:

  1. You know what I think of people who anonymously comment? I call them anony...mouse....cuz they are scared little mice....that don't have enough class to stand up forthright to anyone's face. Yes...they grab your cheese and scurry around make their presence known and run back to their little hole in the corner..and I don't allow post until I get to moderate it....ha...that's one way to stop the little varmits!!!

    Your an awesome MOM...and I loves you so much...O yes I do!


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog!

dear Mom and a prayer blessing from me to you

  Dear Moms, Bonus Moms (stepmoms), Moms with children in Heaven, Spiritual Moms, and to the women who never had kids but poured out their l...