Monday, August 25, 2008

Bedtime At Our House

It's a special night at our house. Todd is out of town, and I'm afraid I'll get lost by myself in our huge bed, so I have invited 2 pretty cute little kids to join me as I enter the Land of Nod tonight. Don't they look happy? They LOVE sleeping with me. Love, love, love. And Drew is forced to sleep in the middle, because I cannot bear to sleep next to my darling oldest son. He lays sideways a good portion of the night. Which drives me absolutely insane. So, since I'm letting them join me in bed, I had to sweeten the deal for Jonah and Noah. This picture below is what they ask me if they can do every night. And I do mean every night.

If you look closely, Jonah is at the head of the bed (the right), and Noah is at the foot of the bed on top of the covers. It's the only way they won't bother each under the covers, one above them. And in the middle, in all his marvelous glory is Sambo, the fat cat. This is where he sleeps, faithfully every night, by his buddies' side. He usually sleeps with Noah, but tonight he was forced to move over to Jonah's bed.

All is well in our house. I have four happy kids, and one happy mom...well, I would be happier if my hubby was here. But we'll make it on our own for a couple nights. At least with Andy the guard dog, we're not scared.

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