Monday, August 11, 2008


I found the camera! Actually, I left it in the cooler, and Todd took it on the canoe trip Saturday. But he didn't take any pictures. So here are our pics from the water park on Friday.




and last but not least, Noah

And these next pictures are the ones I took of their first day back to school! They were so excited this morning, Drew woke up at 6:30. He was dressed by that time. I told him if he went downstairs, it was fine, but he'd have to do something quiet, because I was having my quiet time. So he sat on the couch and played his Nintendo D.S. while I had my devotion.

Noah and Jonah waiting on their big brothers to get in!

Drew hurriedly tying his shoes. Or not so hurriedly.

They're tied! His heavy bag was already in the car.

and Graham with his 50lb back pack. Seriously.

I went to the grocery store after I dropped them off, and I've already cleaned and organized my kitchen cabinets. Now I'm on the computer. And I still have 3 useable hours before they get out!!! So long!

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