Saturday, November 8, 2008


Okay, do you ever get such a marvelous night's sleep that you just savor staying in bed a few extra minutes, all warm and cozy? Well, that was me last night. I love cold nights~Todd has this comforter that his mom bought Tim when they were little, and when I asked her about this comforter and where she got it, she said it was on sale or clearance and really cheap. She never thought it would last so long, but we still have it. I call it Todd's binky, because when he's sick and burning up with fever, that's the only blanket that will warm him up. So, since we don't have an electric blanket, in the fall and winter, we throw this on top of our velvet (not real velvet, like
velvet) comforter and get all snug and cozy. That was the way eight thirty this morning found me.

I got up and got coffee and came to play on the computer for a bit. Todd took the boys to Bob's farm to play most of the day. They're going to have target practice with a BB gun. Good times! Graham is all thrilled because he's going to get to go hunting for the first time this year. He got his hunting license last March, so he's all set and ready to go. Anyway, I had all these grand plans for today. I was going to clean out Jonah's and Noah's closet to get ready for Christmas, BUT I did that last night instead. We went out to eat at Chili's, and Graham, Jonah and I all sat in Jonah's and Noah's room and they played while I cleaned and organized. Every year I do this to make room for the new stuff at Christmas. I have quite a pile to get rid of this year, though. Some is going to school for treasure box goodies, and some is going to Goodwill, but their closet is so nice and clean now! This brings me immense joy. Really.

Last night Drew was invited to a friend's house for a sleepover, so we were the parents of 3 boys last night. Kind of nice~much quieter (yes, Drew is LOUD), and easier at Chili's. We were sitting there, and Noah saw his teacher and her husband and their sweet little girl. I thought the child was going to have a heart attack. I think he has a crush on her. They all went to say hello, and Graham is all beside himself, because she invited him in to read to her class as a special reader one day. Since I'll be working full time, I'm going to let him have my time slot of when I was supposed to go. He is officially proud of being a big brother. Isn't that precious?

So today I am going to work on MY closet instead of the twinkies' closet. My closet is always the one that gets neglected, but I am going to clean everything out...all the clothes I no longer wear, and shoes, you name it, it's getting cleaned. I am in the mood to just de~clutter everything in my house. Including all the old videos we have...yes I said videos not DVD's. We will probably never have another VCR so why hang on to them? I don't need them anymore. They're just taking up space and collecting dust.

Well, this is getting me in the mood to get busy, so I'm going to get off here and start my day! I'm excited~it's not often I can do this sort of thing completely uninterrupted! I'm getting started now because we're meeting at Mom's house this afternoon. Todd wants to watch the Bama game, and Big Daddy is taking the boys fishing. Good times, I tell you, good times. Love to all!!!


  1. Graham did not get his hunting license he passed his hunters safety course which allows you to be able to get you hunting license. But since he is not going to be doing any shooting while we are out hunting this year i probably won't get him a license this year. By the way our closet looks wonderful. Thanks. I LOVE YOU!

  2. Oh, well I knew it was something along those lines. What do I know, I'm just the wife and mom. Thanks~I LOVE organizing. I love you too!!


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