Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Weekend

This day has been heaven. The boys had friends over today and they played and ran outside to their little hearts' content. It was incredible. I am SOOOO ready for spring!!! This weather has been a tease, and one that is going to frustrate me when the weather turns back to cold! I don't know if it's going to be cold or not, but on Monday, the rain starts. Oh joy. What a perfect Monday!

Drew has this friend (also named Drew) that lives behind us...actually, he lives behind our next door neighbor, and quite frequently when I can't find Drew, I look out the kitchen window and see them hanging out, talking over the fence. It's precious. Katie told me I should buy him a step ladder so at least he'll be more comfortable. Hmm. Good idea! Anyway, that's his friend who came over today. He went and picked him up on his bike and later on they all went to play basketball at his house. How much fun is that???

We had an ahhhhmazing dinner as usual, at Mom's and Bill's. Y.U.M.M.Y. Food for the soul. It's just better when Bill cooks it, ya know??? The boys had a great time, too, and even made the s'mores I mentioned on here the other night. Drew had his night made because Bill gave him an old briefcase. Drew's been wanting one for a while, and when Bill handed him his old one, I thought Drew was going to burst with happiness. He walked around saying, "I'm a grown man now." He decided he was going to be a clown agent, and he was going to keep all the clown contracts inside the briefcase. Where he came up with this, I have no idea. But this kid is a trip. He cracks me up. They all make it so much fun for me as their mom!!!

So now we're home watching U of M stomp Gonzaga. Yup. You read that right. We're (TODD) is watching basketball. Who ever would have thought??? I think he discovered last year that as long as it was the Tiger's, that he enjoyed it. I think he may have done it so he'll have something to talk about with David and King Rusty. Maybe, maybe not. Who knows??? Well, I'm gonna read now~I started a new book, and I'm ready to get lost in it. If anyone wants some great book recommendations, let me know. I've got a list a mile long. Love to all and bon soire!!!

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