Sunday, March 1, 2009

My Weekend, In A Flash

Wow. It's been THREE DAYS since I've posted??? What is my world coming to? I think that's an all time record for me. Well, if you've been just DYING to catch up, here you go. I'm smiling as I write that, by the way.

Our incredible friends and neighbors, Travis and Katie, came over and had dinner with us. Katie made some fantabulous chicken spinach lasagna. Y.U.M.M.O. And it was. I am shocked there was any left, but surprisingly, there was, just a tiny bit. We sat around and talked and caught up, since we never see them. Well, at least we hadn't seen them in 24 hours or so. Hey, Katie and me~we have a lot in common, ya know??? And I don't talk on the phone anymore. Well, I do talk to her, my sisters and my mom. Only because they always call. :) And let me end that statement with adding, "And I would soooo miss them if they didn't!!!" I really would! Sleepiness was crowding in, so I retired upstairs to get some decent sleep before I had to wake up early the next morning.

Which brings me to Saturday. Phyllis, my friend Christa and me went to the Women of Hope women's conference together. Lysa Terkeurst was there speaking. For those of you who don't know her, she's the cofounder of Proverbs 31 Ministries ( She captivated us for the next three hours. It was amazing. Her testimony is awesome, and if you're interested in reading more about her, I have a link to her blog on my blog list to the right. Wow, I would have made a great flight attendant. "And now, ladies and gentlemen, please focus on the links posted to the right of the screen." Picture my 2~fingered point to that side. Anyway, it was great. Phyllis and I had lunch afterwards, which was nice. We don't get to be alone much.

Last night, amidst all the snow (rain, sleet, hail), we ventured to the Amazing Andy's birthday party. And had a blast. Sunshine fed us some yummy food (don't expect that next week, by the way!), and the kids ran and played and laughed their little hearts out while us adults sat around long after the festivities ended and played farkle. Fun times. It's cool when you're part of your friends' family, ya know??? Which, Katie and Travis, if you're reading this, party at our house next Saturday at 4:30 for Jonah and Noah. Don't feel obligated to buy a present for them, but we'd love to have you over as part of our fam. :)

We came home (with reluctance), and went to bed. Well, me and the boys. Hubs sat up until 1:30 in the a.m. Yes, you read right. He was watching the snow fall! And fall, it did. It was beautiful when we woke up this morning. We stayed home from church and just relaxed. And the kids played in the snow. We met my Dad & Sandy for lunch at TGI Friday's for their bday dinner. They all got new sleeping bags for when we go camping! Well, I see "we", but I may have been ousted of this all~male occasion. They are trying them out tonight to see how they work. Hey, I couldn't resist. It's the least I could do, since tomorrow will not be a snow day.

So, after lunch, I came in and took a nap, then went over to Katie's to watch a movie (chick flick) with her. It was great. Nice, dark, and quiet. Ahhh, the sound of silence. It's a beautiful thing. So now, I'm writing, and they're watching Sunny With A Chance, a really dumb new show on Disney. But they're happy, so what can I say?

Well, I hope I haven't bored you to tears. Such is my life. Hope you all had a marvelous weekend! I'll try not to take so long to post the next time...

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed our time together on Sat. We need to do that more often!


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Wednesday Hodgepodge

  Happy Wednesday, friends! I'm linking up with  Joyce over at From This Side of the Pond  for today's post. I'll jump right in!...