Tuesday, March 3, 2009

RaNdOm ThOuGhTs

So, this is what I've been thinking about over the past 24 hours. Just in case you want to know what goes through my head.

Why do I keep on watching The Bachelor? Especially after last night's episode. And, of course, I'm watching Part 2 of After The Final Rose.

In reference to the above statement, girls are catty. Thank You, Lord, for my boys. All 4 of them.

Referring to my children's education...do I continue to let the public school system educate them, or do I do it here, at home? Do I want all the political correctness to forever dampen the way they learn? Do I really want all the junk to continue? Like not being able to speak about their beliefs, or to continue to put up with mean kids?

What the heck was I thinking taking a job when I'd only had two weeks of freedom?!?!?!

I wish I was going to Israel with my dad. He leaves Thursday for the Holy Land.

Will I be able to remember all of the boys' childhood so I can retell it to my grandkids? If we're still around, that is...

Dear Lord, come quickly.

Why is money so important? It truly does NOT make the world go 'round. What does make it go 'round is only found by looking above.

Why do people not get God? If only they would stop analyzing and pondering...He wants us to have the unwavering faith of a little child.

"I will arise, when He calls my name. No more sorrow, no more pain. I will rise on eagles' wings, before my God, fall on my knees, I will rise." ~new song by Chris Tomlin

Are friends truly forever? Is family more loyal than anyone else? What am I doing to be a forever friend, a loyal wife/mom/daughter/sister/aunt? Am I doing all I can do to reach the lost in my life? Will they care that I am trying to reach them? Do they know What I want them to have? WHO I want them to know?

What does GOD want for me? Will it come to fruition?

Am I too hard on my kids? Do I expect too much? Will they remember me in a fun sort of way?

I wonder if there's a good time for me to start a Bible study. I wonder if I could do it, if people would come, when would we meet, do I really want to head it?

How long will I continue to come up with cheesy names for this blog?

Why can't I get up early every single day without hitting the snooze button?

Will I pull all the birthday parties together without pulling out all my hair?

Why do I feel so much pressure to go way above the norm for these parties?

Well, I have another dvr'd show to watch....the newest Jon and Kate from last night. Love to all, and good night!!!


  1. Ok I will try again. I started a comment and it was rather lengthy and then I clicked a button and it went away.
    You definitely have a lot of random thoughts that are very interesting. My head gets that way sometime but I don't write them down but I do tell Wiley sometimes and he thinks I am crazy.
    You are a super loyal daughter in love that I am very thankful for.
    You don't have to worry for all things will work together for good because you do love God.
    Just keep the DVR going so you can relax watching your favorite shows! We are enjoying ours.
    I love you and love reading your blog!!!

  2. You should write those thoughts down, Phyllis. You'd be shocked at what all runs through your head. I had more today, but I won't bore you with it. Although one was, "DEAR LORD, PLEASE DON'T MAKE ME WALK BY HER AGAIN." :)

    Thanks for the loyal part, I try. I am thankful for you too. So if I homeschool you'll be a part of it, right???

    I did watch Jon and Kate. I love them. I wonder if I could handle 8 kids. Not that I'm willing to find out.

  3. I am trying out my new keyboard and mouse. Yes, I will help with home schooling. I just told Todd that when you need a sub I have experience and can give you recommendations from the county or Catholic schools! They loved me.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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Wednesday Hodgepodge

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