Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Something Positive About The Media

Because there have been so many negatives about the media, I thought I would post about something positive. In a time where all things biblical are unheard of, CBS actually ended tonight's episode of 'What Would You Do?' with a Bible verse.

The last scene they showed was that of a homeless woman who was partially paralyzed helping a man in the street. Not being able to move that well on her own, she was more concerned about his welfare than her own. She credited it all to God. This was the Bible verse they zoomed in on as the show closed:

1 Corinthians 13:13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

Wow. I was shocked. Aren't you? It was refreshing.

On a lighter note, Tennessee is thinking about making a new law. What is it, you wonder? It is called, THE SAGGY PANTS LAW. This proposed law does what it says. It will prohibit the people from wearing their pants saggy. Seriously? Only Memphis.

And with that, good night. I'm officially turning the news off.

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