Wednesday, April 1, 2009

What I Did Today

We had an amazing day together, Drew and I. It was the perfect day for a walking field trip. It really could not have been any better. It was cool at first, but in the sun it felt great. By noon it had warmed up and it felt amazing having the sun beam down on us like that. It was gorgeous. Mrs. Claney, the principal, very graciously gave me the day off. Her words were, "You work at your kids' school, you are entitled to perks like this." I feel blessed.

Of course you know, I am going to post me some pictures. I got there 20 minutes before the kids (I cheated and drove because of my foot), and to pass the time, I took like 30 pictures. Of the most beautiful church. This first one is actually not a church anymore, but a renovated steakhouse. Hmmmm....and a very pricey one, I might add. I do not see a night here in our future. At $120 for 2, it's not all it's cracked up to be, I'm afraid. But it's still nice to look at. I love the red door.
These next pictures are of the first place we went and visited~St. Andrew's Episcopal Church. It was built in the late 1800's, and lots of it are still the original building. Like the windows, the bell, the inside ceiling. The lady officiating the tour told us that last year when they had the new roof put on last year, they discovered that the only roof on there is just that...from the inside of the church, while undergoing that roofing process, they could actually see through to the outside. So this time, they laid down lots of plastic first, then the shingles.

This is what I picture the Garden of Gethsemane to look like. Only bigger, better and prettier.

This is the "Jesus window", which is the first thing you notice when walking in. It symbolizes that all of our attention should be placed on Him alone. Pretty smart folks they were, back in the late 1800's. I want a Jesus window in my house.

This is the "Bible window", which is the last thing you see when walking out. This symbolizes the fact that we should open God's word every single day of the week~not just on Sunday! Again...hmmmm.

This is a cool shot of the train they toured. I had fun playing with the new (well not so much) camera. I love photography, too, and this beautiful day we had inspired me. I'm seriously thinking about having some of these shots (or one of the other 60) enlarged and framed. I would much prefer something original like this hanging in my home than something meaningless.

Drew and his friend, Drew C. Another Drew C., I might add!

Cutie in a cool phone booth, posing like always!

I love this clock, and thought the picture turned out really cool. Another one I'd like to have framed. Or drawn on canvas.

Me and the almost~birthday~boy! We had an amazing day, one that I will never forget.

I love days like today. My feet hit the floor, and I knew it was going to be "one of those days"~the good kind. It's funny how we know so soon in the day, too. And either it is, or it isn't. I've said this before, and I'll say it lots more, but my pastor says that the most important decision we make everyday is our attitude. We can choose to let things bother us, we can choose to get mad and sulk, or we can choose to have joy~the joy in our salvation that God gave us! When you stop and think about that, how can we NOT be joyful?

Todd likes the phrase, "keep smiling", and I do too. It's hard to let the world and all its troubles get to us when we're smiling, ya know? I have bad days, trust me, I have bad days. Ask my husband, he can attest. BUT I know that it's only temporary. A friend on facebook asked me if I ever had a bad day. That's why I'm writing this now...because I do. I just take my focus (or try to) off of the situation, pray about it, release it to God, then put all that attention on Him. I love to praise Him in whatever I go through~and by giving Him praise amidst my problems~it's powerful, let me tell you. I think He blesses those who bless Him, and besides my family, the biggest blessing He has given me is joy. I feel like a new woman.

Well, having said all THAT...our day was fantabulous. I always feel refreshed after spending time with Drew because of his carefree little self. He can get into a bad mood faster than I can blink, but he's so easy to please. He has pure, unadulterated joy, and I love it. He laughs a lot and loves life. He can put anyone in a good mood, just by being around him.

This is the week for field trips~Graham has one on Friday that my dad is accompanying him on, and Jonah and Noah have one of Monday. Graham is taking a walking field trip to the Wolf River preservation area (a 2 mile walk), and Jonah and Noah are going to the Botanical gardens for a butterfly exhibit. That one I cannot wait assured, more pictures are to come.

Well, I hope you have a marvelous evening doing whatever you may decide to do. Love to all and good night.

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