Saturday, November 14, 2009

My Awesome Friday Night

Todd and I had so much fun last night. Seriously, that was one of the greatest things that my man ever could have done for me. I loved it. And needed it.

I get stuck in a rut sometimes, and it's just so good to get away and be refreshed. The worship was amazing. In a Baptist church, no less! Lol, I couldn't resist that. I'm just kidding you, my Baptist buddies.

Travis Cottrell DEFINITELY has the gift of leading worship. And it is a gift, and no, not everyone has it. He is just so natural at leading us into God's presence. It's just what he does. Worship.

I love that word. Worship. To pour extravagant honor upon. To adore. To love. To praise.

He is worthy of it, isn't He? I love seeing the words that we sing up on a screen and singing them to God. I don't just sing a song to be singing it~I sing it as if He is standing right in front of me. Like the elderly people we sat behind last night. I'm sure they would have loved it if I hadn't belted it all out like I did, but I was singing to my God! And loving every second of it.

Thank you, honey. I miss sitting beside you in church like that~it was just what my heart and my soul needed.

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Friday Favorites, 2.7.2025.

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