Sunday, January 30, 2011

Spring? In the Middle of Winter?

Yesterday was a gift from God.  Friday and Saturday, actually.  Friday the weather got up in the mid fifties, but yesterday we reached a whopping 72 degrees in The Ville.  It was a little slice of Heaven here on earth.  The boys got to wear shorts, they stayed outside all day, all the neighborhood kids (well, most of them) were out was wonderful.

However, it seems as if today, Jonah is paying for it.  He started coughing in the middle of the night...that croup cough that sounds like a seal barking.  And when he came downstairs this morning, he was crying because it hurt really bad when he would cough.  :(  So...Jonah, Noah and I are staying home from church this morning. 

The good thing about this cough is that steroids take care of it.  And our doctor knows how prone my kids are to getting it, so he always makes sure we have an Rx for it.  We have one now at the pharmacy, in fact.  It's in Jonah's file, so all we have to do is call and get it filled when they open.

The other boys just left for church.  It looks like as if not much is on our agenda for the day.  Graham and Drew have science fair projects due Wednesday, so they'll be spending some time getting those all put together and typed up.  The rest of us...well, I don't know what we'll be doing.  I might spend some time in our tornado closet.  It looks as if one blew through it.  Then again...I might not do that.  I'm feeling kind of blah today.  I'm sure at some point, I'll put some "real" clothes on (instead of my nightshirt and robe), but for now this feels nice. 

What's on your agenda for today?  I wish I was going to church, but it can't be helped.  Of course you know when one twin stays home, the other twin stays home.  Graham and Drew aren't like that...just Jonah and Noah.  It's one of those cool twin things.  There are lots of those that still happen every day...and why next year I am going to want them in the same class at school.  :)  I'm tired of the issues we face because of them being separated.  For the most part they're okay, but it would be so much easier for them (and for ME!)  if they were in the same class. 

Anyway...that's a whole other blog.  For now I am thankful for the teachers they each have and the unique ways they teach my babies.  They love going to school every single day, they love to read, they love math, they love these dreaded science fair projects they're doing...they have some awesome Godly women in their lives, and I am eternally grateful for them and the influence they have on my kiddos. 

We LOVE school...and I love that they are all going to start and finish their school years as Dragons.  Right now at the elementary school, they are the Little Dragons, but they love their older Dragons.  They love going down to the Dungeon that's behind their school and running around the track while watching them practice.  They love writing them messages and hanging them on the sides of our school, and they LOVE going to the games. 

One of the things I love most about my house is that on a Friday night (during football season) I can hear the band playing at the game.  I can hear the kids yelling and screaming.  I can see the Dragon paw prints all along Byhalia, then Powell, then Peterson Lake leading the way to the Dungeon.  It's awesome.  I love living here...and I love my kids going to the schools they go to.  :)

Did you hear my contented sigh?  You should have.

Well, I am going to get off this 'ol computer and love on my kiddos.  Enjoy your families today.  Love to all!

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