Tuesday, September 18, 2012

a day in pictures

I changed the format on my blog.  Do you like it?  Do you hate it?  Are you confused?  I think I actually like it.  

I might change it back, but then again, I might not.  I'm in the mood to play around with it a little.

I was looking back, though, and I have to thank my friend Shari for making me blog with pictures more.  It was so boring when it was just words, and when I'm reading blogs, I live for the ones with the pictures.  So, Shari, if you're reading, thank you.  :-)

Here's what went on in my day today:

 Every morning starts just like this.  Coffee, the Bible, a devotion to provide us with a guide to reading the Bible...I do love a good morning.  Our day goes so smoothly when we start it focused on the One who made the days to begin with.  :-)

 After I took Graham and Drew to school, I came home, got dressed, and the rest of us headed to Walmart for a little grocery shopping.  I finished that, came home, put it all away, cleaned out the fridge and the pantry, vacuumed, and we sat down to start school.

We began with math, then followed it with Spelling, Vocabulary and Poetry.  :-)  I do love me some poetry, too.

They were writing down their Unit 2 spelling words.  Are they not precious?

We went on with school and finished it up with a little geography and some reading and thinking skills.  All in all, it was a wonderful day, if I do say so myself.  Tomorrow we will start on time again, and we will work through tomorrow's and Thursday's work.  Because of our enrichment classes, it's somewhat necessary to finish at least most of that day's work.

My friend Aimee picked up all the boys from the middle school today.  While I was waiting on them to come home, I was able to complete all my Bible study homework for this week and get caught up again on my Chronological Bible reading plan.  I'm expecting to be finished with the Old Testament this week, and that is exciting to me!  I was thankful that I had the time to do this, and I had the perfect opportunity while Jonah and Noah were playing quietly in the same room. 

I made a new (to me) recipe tonight.  I've eaten it plenty of times, I've just never made it.  It's called Low Country Boil.  It's shrimp, smoked sausages and potatoes.  The recipe also called for corn, but I forgot it.  It was so simple!  I filled the stock pot three fourths of the way full, dumped in two tablespoons of salt, a fourth of a cup of Old Bay Seasoning, let it boil, dumped in the potatoes and let them boil for fifteen minutes, dumped in the rest of it after that and let it all boil for seven more minutes.  It was perfect!

Doesn't it look yummy?  I mashed up all the potatoes like baked potatoes and smeared them in butter, sour cream, salt and pepper.  I also made garlic bread.  Our tummies are stuffed, but man it was good!

After dinner, while I was cleaning the kitchen, I thought I would take the time to show you what the inside of my cabinet doors look like:

I did this several years ago.  Why waste all that amazing space?  I'd much rather look at my sweet kids than some ugly wood paneling, wouldn't you?

And look at this adorable-ness:

Can they please stop growing?  I miss them being so little!  The picture of them as cows was their first walking Halloween.  They were exhausted. 

So that was our day.  How was yours?  For all the people who have left comments, thank you!  I love seeing that little notification.  Don't be shy...keep them coming!  Love to all. 


  1. Of course I am reading it! :) I love that you are posting with photos. Those are definitely the blog posts that I always seem to follow start to finish. My ADHD brain can't stay focused through long posts of just text. ;-) Love the inside of your cabinet doors. You can NEVER EVER have to many pictures displayed!

    1. :-) I figured, but I thought I would give you a shout out anyway. Me too...I do like the text ones, too, but the pictures definitely hold the attention. Thank you! I agree~I have pictures everywhere, kind of like my books, but I do love to look at them over and over. I have more, but I didn't take pictures of them.

      Speaking of the blog...I'm waiting on a certain trip of yours to be blogged about!

  2. You know I LOVE pictures of my boys!!!! I have them all over my house and I love seeing them on your blog. They always make me smile! I like the new format too.


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog!

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