Thursday, January 3, 2013

day 64

Today I am thankful for an able mind.  I try to pick one thing to do really well each year.  Last year it was reading through the Bible in chronological order.  The year before it was memorizing Scripture.  This year I'm memorizing Scripture once more. 

I decided to create an "event" for this on Facebook and invited most of my friends. 

I am blown away by the response that I've gotten.  So far the amount of people joining me in this adventure is sixty-six!!  God might just be raising up an army of men and women to do this.

So while I have a memory that isn't great, it is really great at memorizing Scripture.  I'm thinking that's another God-thing.

I will leave you with my first verse of the year:

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve God's will~His good, perfect and pleasing will.  Romans 12:2

Wanna join me?  If you're my friend on Facebook, you should have gotten an invite from me.  If you read this and we're not friends on Facebook, or you're not on Facebook, email me at  Here's how it works: pick one Scripture or passage of Scripture on the first and fifteenth of every month.  The total should be 24 for the year.  But if that's too much, don't stress...just pick your own pace and give God your best.  Feel free to share my verse or pick your own.  All I ask is that you let me know what you're memorizing so we can share in the encouragement. 

I dare you.  Try it and see what God does in your life.

Love to all.

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