Sunday, April 7, 2013

our weekend

Our weekend has been really good.  Friday night found Todd, Drew and I at The Melting Pot.  It was Drew's choice for his birthday celebration.  The food was yummy, as always.  I have been there a couple times before this trip, but Todd and Drew had not.  Have you tried it?  It's not what you're thinking~it's not all courses that have to do with cheese.  Only the first course is cheese related.  You pick your flavor of cheese {like cheddar, Swiss, Wisconsin trio}, and they bring you out things to dip in it~veggies, bread and apple wedges. 

It was so good.  They both loved it, and even though our service was kinda bad and our burner that kept the fondue warm broke, it was still a fun night.  And one that cost us half the price, thanks to all the things that went wrong! 

On Saturday, the boys worked for my dad.  He came and picked them up, then Todd puttered around outside~with his truck and a few husbandly duties.  ;)  I started on the ever~growing mountain of laundry and made some brownies and orange spice tea to take to my friend Christa's baby shower.  I spent the afternoon there with a bunch of other ladies, then came home so the boys and I could head to my mom's and Bill's for dinner. 

After we finished the dinner dishes, Bill and I went outside for our weekly talk.  ;)  This is one of my happy places.  I love the land they have, and I love watching the sun slowly set over the trees.  Isn't it beautiful?  I most feel God when I'm outdoors seeing all He has created. 

As Bill and I were talking, I saw what I thought, at first, was an airplane.  But it was moving slower than a plane would, or so it seemed, and there were no red lights on it flashing. 

So, what was it?  Well, it turns out that it was the space station flying over us!  How cool is that?!  I'm simply amazed at all that is above our heads.  And knowing that God placed all the stars to span the sky just blows my mind.  This picture does not at all do justice to what the sky truly looked like last night.  The bright light you see in the above photo is the space station.  The stars last night, were simply brilliant. 

Today we went to church.  And Sunday school before church, which was amazing today.  Our lesson was on fear and worry, and the way we handle those situations.  I love our Sunday school class.  The last time I felt this way about a class was when we were at First Assembly, with Joey and Sherry Coscia as our teachers.  That has been many years ago, and I am so glad we're gaining that once again. 

This afternoon we headed out to my dad's to see my sister Terri and her hubby, Wes.  It's been two years since I've seen her, so it was wonderful.  We're spending time with tomorrow, as well.  We're going to Chuccalisa Village with them after lunch. 

How was your weekend?  I'm slightly better than I was on Thursday and Friday~my throat still hurts, if you can believe that.  I have an antibiotic that I can have filled, but I really hesitate on doing that.  I hate the way it makes me feel, which is usually worse than my symptoms.  I'm just surviving on Zyrtec, ibuprofen and lots and lots and lots of ice water. 

Praying tomorrow is more "normal"...since today I had to go to bed because of my head after lunch.  But then again...what is normal? 

Hmmm.  I'll leave you with that.  ;)

Love to all.

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