Sunday, June 9, 2013

a quiet morning

For the second Sunday in a row, I was up at 5:30.  I love getting up this early, while everyone else is still sound asleep.  I am definitely a morning person.  Last week my sister spent the night with us, because Todd, Graham and Drew were out of town.  I loved waking up early with Trish and sharing coffee with her and watching country music videos.

{That's my weekend guilty pleasure.}

This morning, my darling hubby decided to sleep walk.  He never does that, so I immediately was wide awake.  {It was probably because we had a little scare last night~it sounded like someone was breaking into our house.  That wasn't the case, it was a huge metal thing that fell in our garage.}  He finally came back to bed, and after laying there for five minutes, I got up and took a shower.  I've had my quiet time, I checked my email and Facebook, so I thought I would share some of what we did yesterday.

After Todd worked all night long over Friday night, he came home at seven a.m. Saturday and slept till about 11:30.  We ate lunch and went to our friend's house so the boys could swim.


These boys...the three musketeers.  They were together at the baseball game Friday night, too, and loved every single minute.  This is their oldest and dearest friend, Andy.  I love this family so much.

We stayed at their house until about four then headed out to my mom's and Bill's for dinner.

Someone was super attached to his Big Daddy last night...and was soaking in everything the man said.

Big Daddy was showing Jonah how to make a roux.

There was a pile of grass and Jonah all but insisted on helping him rake it all up.

Look at these little guys!  How they've grown over the past few weeks...this time next week, they'll be flying on their own.

And what's a visit to the grands' house without a ride on the tractor?

These boys are so blessed to have such amazing grandparents~and three sets of them, too!  They're extra special.  ;)  Not a day goes by that I don't thank the Lord for this fact.  It seriously takes more than just parents to raise kids, and I am so thankful for the time and love all these grands have invested into the lives of our boys.  They've helped shape who they are.

It's Sunday, so I hope you find your way to some time with the Lord today.  If you don't have a church home, come join us at Collierville First Baptist Church.  We'll be there at 9:15 for Sunday school, and church starts at 10:45.  I know for a fact the worship is going to be amazing this morning.  Love to all!


  1. I am trying to get caught up on my blog reading today! :) Looks like you are having a fun summer so far! Hopefully we can meet up for yogurt or something one day. Miss you friend!

  2. I know...I feel like I'm behind on all my favorites, too. We are having fun~just doing a lot of hanging out with friends and swimming. We've got a busy next few weeks with VBS, inner city mission trip for the older two, then camp for all of us again (Jonah's and Noah's, but the rest of us are working). Fun times!

    I would love to meet up for yogurt one day!


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Friday Favorites, 2.7.2025.

  Happy Friday, friends! How was your week? I hope that you can say that it was a good one. Mine was pretty great and it went by really fast...