Thursday, June 6, 2013


Forgive the lack of writing.  I've been lost in the piles of camp laundry.  Almost everything has been washed, but I noticed that when pulled out of the dryer, everything still smells like sunscreen.  Do you have that problem?  Though it's really not a problem~I love the smell of sunscreen.  It's among my top fave smells, because it's the smell of Summer.

 See?  It reminds me of this.  Carefree days spent by the pool.

Since that was one of the last pictures I took today, I'll start at the beginning.  I woke up and enjoyed some coffee and Jesus time this morning.

It's so important that I get this time in, or my day goes haywire.  It's funny how that works, isn't it?  I'm still trucking through the book Unglued, and still underlining way too much.  But it's so good!  It's like Lysa TerKeurst can see straight into my life.  I'm also on day four of She Reads Truth on my YouVersion ap.  I'm reading in 1 Peter.  It's really good, too.

After my quiet time, the kiddos all had breakfast, we prayed, and got our day started.  That involved Graham and Drew actually unpacking their camp suitcases.  And this made more laundry.  :/

I finally found my way to the bottom of my laundry basket though, and we took off.  We went back to my mom-in-love's house to swim and hang out again.

While we were waiting on her to come out, I took this picture of their house.  Isn't it pretty?  The flowers are gorgeous!  I love day lilies...they remind me of God's new mercies.  (Day lilies bloom fresh each morning.)

We swam and swam and swam, and the kids argued.  To the point of making me very aggravated.  They better do better tomorrow...or else.

We ate a yummy dinner of grilled chicken, macaroni, corn, biscuits and fruit salad.  And the kids swam one more time, this time on Daddy's and Papa's watch.  And now, we're home.  With one extra.  ;)  Graham's friend is spending the night with us.

I have to say...I love having extra kids.  We were driving home from his house with the windows rolled down and the music turned up, and my heart was full and content.  The more the merrier, I always say. mattress is calling my name.  And my book.  Love to all.

p.s.  I took this picture of Noah while we waited on dinner tonight~his eyes were so blue with that tan he's sporting and his favorite green shirt.

I could get lost in those eyes.  Isn't he sweet?

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