Monday, November 11, 2013

our weekend & Veteran's day

Friday night found us sitting by this lovely fire.  Drew's friend was here with us, and we had a grand time of roasting our hot dogs for dinner and the marshmallows for our s'mores.  Fun times were had.

Saturday was spent around our house, until we left to go to my mom's and step-dad's for dinner.  Below is a picture I took while waiting to go.

Sunday was spent at church, then we came home and split up.  Graham stayed at church, Drew and Todd went to Costco and Jonah, Noah and I stayed home.  Jonah and Noah left at three for a party, Graham and I left at 3:45 for a bonfire with the high school youth, and Drew went to his bonfire at 5:30 with the middle school youth.  

Here's a few pictures from the high school bonfire:

These girls above rode with me out to Moscow, where the bonfire was.  I love them.  :)

The bonfire was held at the beloved Mr. Ronnie's farm~he works at Collierville Elementary school and now the middle school, and he was always my most favorite person to work with.  It was so good getting to see him and hug him!

Today is Veteran's day, and for the first time in two years, we're going downtown for the Veteran's day parade.  My sweet Daddy is going with us, along with my sister Trish, the boys and our neighborhood friend, Alex.  I can't wait!  After the parade, we'll eat lunch, maybe ride the trolley and take a walk through the Amtrak station.  

Memories.  :)

Here's a couple pictures from four years ago:

I cannot even believe how fast time flies, and how much they've grown up since this picture was taken.  In this, Graham was in fifth grade, Drew was in fourth and Jonah and Noah were in first.  

I have much to be thankful for today~but I also have much to pray for: my friend Sharon, who acknowledges today as the third anniversary of when her two sons were killed in a plane crash, and the people suffering loss and devastation in the Philippines.  Please join me in praying for them.  

If you see a Veteran today, don't forget to thank them for their service.  Love to all.

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