Sunday, November 3, 2013

the rest of my weekend, in pictures

Isn't this precious?  I had two pages left in my journal at the women's conference at Central yesterday morning, so I bought this cutie out of their amazing bookstore.

Needless to say, new journals lead to this:

Last night, Graham, Drew and I went to Nana's & Big Daddy's for dinner and to see my gorgeous niece Erika and her beau, Kyle.  The dinner was slap-yo-mama good.  But I didn't do that to her.  ;)  When we got home, I snapped this of Drew and me:

When we first got out there, Graham asked me if he could drive up their long driveway.  So I let him.  Because I'm the cool mom.  :)

Look at that grin.  Proud as puddin'.

Today was an amazing day of Bible fellowship class and church.  I taught our girls for the first time since our fearless leader wasn't able to be there.  I never claimed to be a teacher, but the lesson was so good, and our girls are so amazing at letting the conversation flow.  I don't know if they enjoyed it, but I sure did...and it's so funny how God uses them to encourage me.  They are amazing and wonderful and I love them dearly!!!  (I'm texting with one of them even as I write this~that's how awesome they are.)

I came across this image above today.  I liked it and thought I'd share with you.

My littles came home today!  I might have cried when I saw them this afternoon.  I have seriously missed them and am so glad we're all home again, under the same roof.

Jonah was playing football, so I snapped this of Noah while he told me all about their camping adventures.

Our punkins!  We never carved them, so they're hanging out on the front porch until I pull out the Christmas decor the day after Thanksgiving.

After dinner, Todd, Jonah and Noah piled up on the couch, along with Crash, and caught up on Alaska State Troopers.  :)  I heart them.  (Graham and Drew were at church.)

Well, that about sums up my weekend.  Thanks for reading, even though you NEVER comment.  ;)  Love to all!

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