Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Taking Captive Every Thought

I don't remember where I read the article, but yesterday on Facebook, an author that I "like" posted an article about the verse in 2 Corinthians 10:5.  The past few days have found me really down in the dumps.  I don't know why, if my issues have been getting to me or if I was just feeling sorry for myself, but I couldn't seem to pull out of that funk.  To make matters worse, I've been feeling "chained" to my house and haven't been to church in two weeks.  I haven't been able to go, and I am not meant to miss church that often.

Anyway, I came across this article and this verse from 2 Cor. 10:5.

We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

And all of a sudden, it hit me: I could pull out of it!  The mood that I was in was not a mood that was at all pleasing to God.  In fact, I had the thought that if a certain thought wasn't directly from the Lord, it must be from the enemy.  He's sneaky that way~he doesn't make it really obvious that he's getting a foot in the door, so to speak.  That would be too obvious, and we would be able to do something about it.  

But he's sneaky, and we think that it must be us.  I'm not saying that he can make us do or think anything, I don't know if he can do that or not, but I do know that our minds can play tricks on us.  Meaning that if we're feeling a little blue or down in the dumps, we can sink further and further into that black hole until there is (seemingly) no way out.

But there is a way out...and that is keeping your focus on God's word.  When we read His word and commit it to memory, He can make us recall a certain verse time and time again.  God has already shown me this year why I memorize His word~it's so that when I am scared, or down, or lonely, I can remember that He doesn't give me a spirit of fear, but one of power, or love and of sound mind.  (2 Timothy 1:7~thanks VBS 2013!  That was their our memory verse.)

Or He'll remind me not to be discouraged, that He will strengthen me.  (Isaiah 41:10 says exactly that~"Don't be afraid, for I am with you. Don't be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.")

If you are discouraged about anything, or feeling lonely or unloved, take comfort in His word.  Nowadays, thanks to the wonderful invention of technology, if you have a smart phone or a computer, you have a Bible.  Google the word you're feeling (i.e. fearful) and look up the scriptures to see what He has to say.  I promise, you will never regret it.  

I had one more thought, and that was the reminder of one of my memory verses from this year: I haven't been feeling very joyful in my trials.  I had to confess that to God this morning and ask His forgiveness.  The verse that reminded me of this while I was getting dressed is from James 1:2~4:

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, when you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work, so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."

I know He has a purpose for my problems~and maybe that is so that people can see Jesus in me.  I pray that they do, and that they can, and I pray they want the peace that I have.  I asked Him to continue to use me in this time of sickness...not so that I can get a "like" for this post, or so that you'll think I'm great...but so that He will be glorified.  

Because, trust me~it's not me.  It's all Him.  I am weak and unsure and tired, and the polar opposite of great.  But when I am weak, He is strong.  The verse actually says that I am strong when I am weak, but that's because it's Him living in me!  He is all those things~great, mighty, magnificent, glorious, majestic~all the things that I am not.

"That's why I take pleasure in my weaknesses, and in the insults, hardships, persecutions, and troubles that I suffer for Christ. For when I am weak, then I am strong." (2 Cor. 12:10)

I pray this encourages you today, that His word gives you peace and comfort.  Love to all.  


  1. Wow! That was just what I needed today. Thank you soooo much for posting 2 Corinthians 12:10. I really appreciate your encouragement. I'm praying for you.

  2. Thank you, Kailyn, for your sweet words! I love that verse...and the other one about taking thoughts captive. Can you tell that's something I struggle with? Even last night...I tend to get all panic-y in situations and I just did that again last night. Apparently I need to read my own words again. ;) Love you so much and I am hoping to see you all Sunday! As of right now, it's looking good. Thanks for the prayers, too! I have been so encouraged by all my praying friends!


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Friday Favorites, 2.7.2025.

  Happy Friday, friends! How was your week? I hope that you can say that it was a good one. Mine was pretty great and it went by really fast...