Wednesday, April 16, 2014

middle of the week

It's been a pretty great, uneventful week.  I'm only posting because I hate letting the blog sit dormant for too long.  I don't know why, so please don't ask.  ;)

It was quite cool here yesterday.  We had some rain come through on Monday night, and with it came cooler temps.  I was particularly looking forward to my coffee when I woke up yesterday.  To celebrate, I used my most favorite of all of my favorite coffee mugs.

Isn't it precious?  Jonah bought me this with his very own money, all by himself, two years ago for Mother's Day.  I only use it on special occasions.

My favorite time is early in the morning...nothing but Jesus, me and a hot cup of coffee is the perfect way to start each day.

While the kids did school work yesterday, I cleaned the kitchen and dining room.  I also majorly cleaned out the dining room hutch, which was haunting me with all the junk that was cluttered up inside.  Now it looks all nice and pretty-ful!

The dishes you see were were the ones Toddley and I picked out eighteen years ago.  I still love them.  :)

I love this cross my mom-in-love bought me for Christmas.

I'm always reminds of Hillsong United's Lead Me To The Cross.  With it being resurrection week, the cross and its inhabitant has been on my mind almost constantly.  I've been reading about Him this week, in Matthew, and now in 1 Peter.

I'm going to stop here and invite you to church Sunday.  If you don't have a church home, will you come with me?  We have two services this week, one at nine fifteen and another at ten forty-five Sunday morning.  I would love to have you join us!  We will probably be at the early service.  If you do come, let me know so I can sit with you!

Today was warmer and sunshine-y.  We had our second weekly picnic date with Abbey, one of my favorite people of all time, from church.

It was even her day off, which was sweet of her to share with me.  :)

How has your week been?  I pray it's been fantabulous.  I've had some sweet phone conversations this week, with one of my favorite and dearest friends, Andrea.  We've laughed together this week, but a couple weeks ago, we cried together, as our Bible study teacher said kind words about her son, who is about to graduate.  I love friends like her, and hope you all have at least one of her in your life.  Everybody needs an Andrea who prances for you and who shares pics of her lovey pants.  :)  Enjoy what's left of your evening!  Love to all.

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