Thursday, May 29, 2014

friend~filled summer days

I am always on the lookout for a couple of things: a good book to read by a new author (I am VERY selective about what I read!) and ways to have inexpensive or free fun in the summer months.  It has to be inexpensive or free because usually I have a car full of kids with me.

So when a sweet friend texted me on Tuesday asking if we wanted to meet at the park, I quickly accepted.

We packed a picnic, threw everything in the back of my car and headed to the park.  The weather ended up being perfect!  It was a little overcast, and we sat under a pavilion, so the breeze was heavenly.  It ended up raining on us, but we all agreed to let our kids play in the rain, so that was just the icing on the cake.  It was a really fun afternoon.

The next time we go, I might throw it out on Facebook or Instagram, and if you're local to me, you should join us!

Graham took a picture of all the kids in the rain.  Have I mentioned that my phone is waterproof?  Not the case, the phone.  It is.  And I love it.

These are some pretty amazing kids.  I happen to love every single one of them.  :)

Later that day we also went to a church league baseball game.  One of my most dearest friends of all time has an awesome son, whom my boys love, and since we love him and my friend and the sport of baseball, why not?  The weather was still amazing, thanks to the afternoon showers.  After the game, that they won (!!), we went to a nearby park and let the boys run around.

This is her!  Sweet Andrea.  We talk or text so often that my kids automatically ask, "Is that Mrs. Andrea again?"  And it usually is.  I adore her.

So the point in my second blog post today is this: there are tons of things for inexpensive or free that you can do with your kids to keep them from being bored this summer.  And if you throw in some friends to that mix?  Perfection.  I am going to post two links to inspire you.  There are some great ideas on here, and some of these things we've done for years.

One last link is the blog of my friend Kelly.  She's a mom of six kids and has lots of fun and practical ideas to keep kids from being bored during these months off from school.  Read her blog.

Hope to see some of you in or around our town soon!  Love to all.

(I promise to try to not post any more bloggy things today.  Maybe.)

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