Monday, December 1, 2014

weekend wrap-up

After a busy Thursday and Friday, once  Saturday rolled around, I was ready to be lazy again.  (In case I missed telling you, I have been sick for a week, with the typical Memphis sinus junk.)  Drew had to work from eight to two, so after I took him to work, I pretty much sat all day.  Todd went to pick him back up from work, then Todd went to work for that night, so I enjoyed a night at home (alone) watching movies.  :)  (Jonah and Noah went to a friends, as did Graham and Drew.  I went and picked all of them except Noah up at nine thirty.  He spent the night with their friend, but Jonah doesn't like spending the night out, so he came home.)

Yesterday was church.  We wrapped presents in our Sunday school class, for a little boy we adopted for Christmas.  Last night, instead of community groups, we decorated the youth area for Christmas.  After the parade Friday night, we are having a coffee house for our high school kids.  The theme is tacky Christmas.

I think our mission to be tacky was accomplished.  :/

I finished my gratitude journal this morning, and for yesterday, I wrote that I was thankful for my church family.  True story.  I am considered a youth volunteer, but the people I work alongside with are the best.  They've become like an extension of my own family, and I love that.  If you don't have a church home that you're plugged in to, might I encourage you to find one?  It's not easy finding a church does not happen overnight.  It takes perseverance and persistence and it takes jumping in and getting involved.  We have been at our church for three and a half years now, and I adore the body of believers we belong to!

It is so worth it, I promise.  Be forewarned, though, churches are imperfect places filled with imperfect people.  There are people that are not the nicest and there are people who are very judgmental.  My thoughts about that, though, is that it isn't our job to point that out.  It's our job to have a renewed mind, one that is steeped in the Word of God.  I try not to focus on all the things that people aren't doing, or aren't doing 'right'.  I focus on my heart~that if there is anything unclean in me, that the Lord would show me so I can ask Him to get it out.  By focusing on me, He works on my heart and blinds me to all the other junk.

I'm not saying that I always remember this.  Just yesterday I confided in my friend, some of the junk that's in my heart.  And I had to ask forgiveness afterward, because I don't need to be all caught up in that kind of garbage.  I need to have eyes fixed on Jesus.

It's funny how when I start writing on this blog, my words almost always take a different turn.

On another note, today is December one!  I love this month.  :)  I am looking forward to doing something different with my kids this year, thanks to a womens event we had at church back in August.  I will expound on that another day.

I pray you enjoyed a long weekend with your family and that your day is loverly~even if the weather outside is not.  ;)  (It's so dreary here today!)

Love to all.

(To show you more of what I am currently doing~enjoying the light of our tree.)

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