Monday, January 12, 2015

weekend fun

I left off with our date Friday night.  Graham and Drew had a friend come home with them and Todd went to pick up Jonah from his friend's house.  I don't remember if I said this or not, but Jonah likes to go play at someone's house, then he prefers to come home late.  He really likes sleeping in his own house each night.  Maybe someday that will change, but he openly admits this and we never make him stay out if he doesn't want to.  Noah, on the other hand, would spend every single night away from home if we let him.  It's funny how different they are.  

Saturday morning we woke up early and Todd, Graham, Jonah and I left for Lexington, Tennessee to look at another Bronco.  Finally, we found one that totally fit the bill of what my husband was looking for.  The man that was selling it was kind and honest, and this 1987 Bronco is in excellent condition.

She's pretty.  And has a nice, low rumbly sound when running.  

I can't believe that in two months from yesterday, this boy will be driving totally on his own.  

Todd and Jonah drove the Bronco back home, I drove Todd's truck home with Graham.  We met up when we got to a certain exit and Graham went with Todd and Jonah to his parent's house and then to my dad's house to show off the new truck.  I rode home alone with this guy.

He used my scarf as a pillow.  

While I was out I ran to the grocery store so I could make dinner that night, and Todd came home and got dressed to ride with the sheriff's department.  After we ate dinner, the boys played this game.

It is hilarious to sit and watch this game being played.  Who doesn't love Twister?!  Drew's friend spent the night again, along with Jonah's and Noah's oldest childhood friend, Andy.  (Drew's friend's name is Andrew, so we had Andrew, Andy, Drew and Andy the Wonder Dog.)  

It was a great night.  Yesterday we were at church, then home for a lazy afternoon, then out again for church activities.  Our Sunday nights are my favorite.  I adore my community group that I help lead each week.  These girls are so special to me.  I've known most of them since the age of five.  

And in case you were wondering, my kitchen is finished!  Here is a before and after picture.

I love it.  I still walk in there and am surprised each time.  I'm not used to it yet, but I am enjoying it immensely.  Todd ordered the new hardware for the cabinets and drawers last night.  Well.  Laundry is calling my name.  I had better go and attend to it so I can get on with this day.  Love to all!  

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